Hi, I didn't really know where to post this, but since im pretty new to this game (less than a month) and never played the mod, i think i'm in the right place. Ever since i started playing, i read a lot on dayz, it's a really fun addictive game. Anyway, i was wondering if i'm doing it right, by wearing blue cloths. I heard the mod has outfits for heroes and bandits, or i am wrong ? To be honest, it never really worked on regular servers, i always get KOS no matter how i look. However, it seems to be working on hardcore servers, i didnt died from a kos in the past week. Is my outfit really working to show that i'm a "friendly" player, or just because hardcore servers, are more serious with more mature players ? Now, as for how to "act" like a hero I never point my gun at someone, although i have it in my hands (just in case) and i always carry extra food and water around for freshspawns. I rarely give players firearms, just in case they just use it on me. Or if i do, i never give them bullets until i am certain they are friendly. What can i do, to be more useful, than to just carry food and water ? Being still fresh to the game, I know i could go bandit hunting, but i'm pretty much a alone and don't know where they go and i still don't know all the locations. Any tips from the very few good guys out there ? Heres 2 pic of what my character looks like.