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Everything posted by TyrDaishi

  1. Hi, for obvious reasons I would like to propose two changes regarding server management: 1. If the server is restarted (not crashing) an automated message should appear what is causing the restart (e.x. scheduled, admin initiated aso.) 2. If a server gets restarted a 5 minute delay should be implemented between issuing the command and the actual restart.
  2. TyrDaishi

    [Suggestion] for manual server restarts

    I might claim that my position has nothing to do with what you propose it does and that I'm not willing to confirm or deny such a position. I would however point out that from both, being a professional administrator for diverse server environments, and for reason of simple logic I don't see any disadvantages and only advantages to my innocent suggestion. At best any disadvantage one could claim would be a minor nuisance instead of an argument against such a policy. I might also point out that this argument would not hold true, and doesn't have to on any reasonable bases, the moment this system changes to a moddable open platform.
  3. TyrDaishi

    Stable Branch 0.61.137517

    Baty... not only did you release stuff on time but you did it before it was scheduled. That makes you the real BI unicorn riding into new territory ahead of your colleagues.
  4. I'm especially interested in antihack measures regarding esp hacks. I'm sure hackers read this forum asd well, so be at least so fair to imply if those hacks still work, thanks. Maybe the playerbase that plays on private shards now can talk a bit about their encounters with hackers on privatly managed shards. Are they getting banned effectivly? Is it even possible to detect esp hackers? how many did you encounter?
  5. If that is indeed the case I can only repeat myself: The person who decided this has a poor understanding of market dynamics and how consumer decisions are formed. To express personal opinions like yours are well within the rules of this platform and simply excercising your right to the freedom of speech, well within your rights considering the given rules of this forum (as mentioned).
  6. Guys... if you think that the market value of a few hundred cheaters that buy multiple copys of a game is more than the total market value of the costumers that will buy a game only if it is relativly cheatfree you are way off the track. Also given the total amount of money that was already made by selling the alpha it doesn't hurt the company one bit to pay a few bucks to make the game harder to exploit. If you spent more you save more in taxes, so why not doing it for the right thing ;)
  7. I meant it in quite the opposite way that you describe (mentally insane is a phrase that I wouldn't use in this context anyway). I'm saying that I trust people enough to acknowledge that cheating is not giving them an real advantage (or skill(set)) or will enrich their personal experience but will instead make the game dull and boring within a quick timespan. Because you obviously can't enjoy the game in an engaging, immersive and deep experience if you cheat. Someone who doesn't understand this is maybe measured below average IQ, but not insane. If they personally enjoy the game more because they cheat, well good for them really. But as you might know, expectation versus reality is a big letdown if analyzed correctly, because despite the wishes of many cheaters there is seldomly the reaction they think they inflict in others. That's just not how human nature works. But instead of doing evidently seemingly freudian analytics of human instinctive behavior maybe we can return to the essence of my initial question. In a time where the individual needs fueld by capitalistic suggestions comes before everything else moral discussions are unfortunatly pretty much irrelevant. Because that is where I draw the line between the aids you described and cheats, from a perspective of morally acceptable or inacceptable behavior. The everlasting problem here, of course, is that their are as many opinions as assholes on this planet and the good old world with black and white faded away pretty much completly in the last century. My most objective argument about the topic would be that the creator of the virtual world we are talking about don't allow cheats by their rules, while the other aids are generally and openly accepted. Because the Authority about this lies by the creator from a legal standpoint of view after all. As much as I enjoy such discussions anyway;)
  8. Well obviously too much talk about hacking can potentionally scare away future costumers, but if that would be the reason I would be really disappointed in bohemia interactives marketing department. After all strategys used and celebrated by big names like edward bernays or joseph goebbels are lying 70 years in the past now. Even the ideas still celebrated in the 60ies and 70ies regarding the "dumb consumer" are 40 years in the past. In the everlasting change of the consumers market in capitalism I consider this line of argumentation invalid. Remember: buying a "certain" product is a way of "expressing" your "individualism" in modern days society. Reading about hackers won't change a damn thing about that. I know you will take that line with the grain of salt it deserves ;) [EDIT] Also the offered product is so niche right now that there is no need for concern. Oh and not to forget that every product that slightly resembles Dayz has the same problem regarding cheaters.
  9. I personally think that it is idiocrazy to think talking about hacking will produce more hackers. You need to have certain specific personality traits in a individual that he even want to / or will use hacks, and the risk of exposing information about hacks leading to actual more hackers is slim to non existent (At least in my personal experience). Also if you want to consider persons who will write hacks those skills don't require the input of a few posts about the topic to enable them to do so. If I don't get a lot of feedback the reasons can be, obviously, manyfold in nature but I wouldn't have created this thread if I didn't wanted to use it, at least to a certain degree, as base to decide my future cause of action. Arguing over the usefulness after I already did it is quite pointless.
  10. I didn't ask for a statistic, I asked for individual experiences as for I'm aware that this can't be accuratly measured. If you want to make assumptions at least try to base them on what was actually written.
  11. TyrDaishi

    The 'war on snipers'

    "It is" is a shitty response btw. Where is the factual proof? So is their a formula for this ? 20 meters above target equals less drop equal of 10 mm in scope or something? And will the range finder take this into account and give the correct distance to the target or will the range finder only work on the two dimensional axis yx ?
  12. TyrDaishi

    The 'war on snipers'

    Before changing the actual shooting other things need to be changed imho. See my past posts in this thread. Quick question: Are height differences (hence the angle) taken into account at all while shooting in the current versions of dayz / arma II?
  13. TyrDaishi

    The 'war on snipers'

    I'm under the impression by now that many who are saying they don't want sniping to be easy are just lazy and want to loot the airfield without risk or care. People who don't even want to snipe or never did. And the second kind of people who are saying it's too easy... Well could it be that those "snipers" are sitting in a bush 200 meters from their target? Because hitting a moving target 800 meters away, sometimes even a static target is NOT easy in Dayz. Serverlags, glitches, high ping, exploids that give you so much armor that a player can take up to 7 mosin hits (actuallyI never encountered someone like that I just read that here in the forums somewhere) are making it fairly difficult to hit players as it is. Just yesterday I shot at someone at 800 meters (I knew the distance was correct because I shot from there before) 10 times while he wasn't moving at all and he just didn't die, I couldn't even see that I hit him ONCE. Which never happened to me before in several 100 hours of gameplay. Even if shooting is not "realistic" in a traditional sense due to the limitation in computertechnology it can be anyway. So there are different kind of "obstacles" one has as a sharpshooter in dayz. Also I don't think the dispersion is so high that 10/10 shots can be a miss. Maybe a visionbug I dunno. [edit] Also: Even when you hit someone with the first shot often enough he is alive and will just run off into the woods. The map is designed pretty well and it's not possible to get off a second shot before the target disappears.
  14. TyrDaishi

    The 'war on snipers'

    Exactly. And what sachiel said is also dead wrong. It is true that arma III deals with grass in that way that you sink more into the terrain, it also is true that making players more translucent is another way to hide players better at distances. The mod I referred to however created a simple overlay using the actual cover the player has and combined the actual "picture" of the gras with the "picture of the player" and combined both to a certain, adjustable percentage. It's not perfect but a pretty damn solid way to better hide characters in the distance without losing the feature to take the amount and nature of the cover into account. As far as I could see it it works pretty well. In dayz however, if you wearing the proper camo and can't be seen when another player is up close to you, he can easily discover you from a distance because your colours suddenly appear to be extremly bright green/ near neon yellow. which is annoying.
  15. TyrDaishi

    The 'war on snipers'

    Before the actual shooting gets harder to manage it would be only fair in my opinion to give a sniper better means to hide then. In a fixed map with fixed terrain and hundreds of people who memorized the map it is very difficult for a sniper after some time to stay hidden. So adding better features to hide should be a given. That includes: not being able to see charactermodels in the distance so easy because no grass gets rendered. LRWs with functioning silencers. Maybe the function to cut down gras with a sickle. Scopes that have proper distance measuring like mildots. maybe ghilliesuits. Proper camo for the rifles. This should include switching the gras for the current terrain. Mods for ArmA III are existing that adress problems like that already, so it can be done. After those changes the long range shooting can be adjusted to be as hard as can be.
  16. Just took a 2 month break from Dayz. Joined a server. 5 Minutes in random guy pops up before me. Just teleporting straight in my sight. I shoot him in the right chest (lungs impact) with my mosin from 5 meters. He kills me instantly. See you in a few months Dayz. Maybe. Seven of my friends already said they won't play the game anymore since so many are not willing to make the effort to play fair. Just wanted to tell the cheaters that they got what they wanted basically. Enjoy. Arma III here I come. Let's see how many people cheat in games versus AI.
  17. TyrDaishi

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    The comparison is perfect for it's purpose, and that purpose only. Since you are so eager to take it out of propotion here is a explanation for dense people like you: It compares the possibility of what progress can be achieved in what time in relation to the quality of the outcome. For this comparison my example is perfectly fine and valid. If you want to get shit forced down your throat be my guest. I already stopped playing the game and giving a example where the development was even worse then in dayz like battlefield 4 is a convincing argument how? It's always possible to do something worse, I gave a example where it was done better. And my example is even more remarkable because, like you already said, it was way fucking more important than a fucking game. Can't say I'm sorry if this displeases someone who obviously enjoys getting ridiculed. People like you who probably never get anything done always love to make excuses for themselves or even others and failing to deliver what should be in foucs: results or at least constructive criticism instead of attempted personal attacks and rants.
  18. TyrDaishi


    I don't think you have to worry about getting mint or ubuntu, both work fine. You might find some more packages for special use cases for ubuntu though, if you dislike compiling from source it could be more comfortable to use it. I would suggest you install a LTS version, it's easier to handle and automate updates and you have longer happy user periods. Mint and ubuntu both offer long term support install packages. We use Ubuntu and have nothing to complain about so far.
  19. TyrDaishi

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    That would be perfectly fine if everything would work like intended. It doesn't though. Alpha screaming kids or not, as long as I get fucked up by 9 sks shots from an enemy while I didn't manage to kill him with 4 shots from a blaze the system is bullshit. He didn't win the fight because he was a better shot, more careful or invested more time. He won because he got more bullets to hit me until the game finally realized that hey, their is a gunfight going on. My point is I really honest to god enjoy the idea that equipment is rare, but it must work if you manage to find it. Give me only one good reason why someone shouldn't hold his work to the highest standard and release it unless it's working. Or even breaking it after it already worked. That's just poor work ethic and sad excuses. And yes I know what alpha means but I work in a medical company where software is written for products that are meant to save peoples lifes and kill them if it doesn't work properly and they manage to do so without fault so far. How come you claim the team working on dayz has the luxury to not do so. And no time is not an excuse, as for they released software far quicker than the progress on dayz is. But I guess it's poor sport to compare bohemia with the 5th best middle sized ranking company in my country.
  20. TyrDaishi

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    So this happened due to changes in the game ok. That kind of problem is understandable at least if you make major changes to objects, viewdistances and stuff like that. What bothers me more are bugs like shotgun pellets. What possible changes can you make to a gun that lowers the amount of pellets from whatever 10-20 to 1? Delete shotgun, copy paste a semiautomatic gun to shotgunmodel, profit??? and why does it take 2 months to reverse the obvious fuckup? No hurr durr priority anwers guys, it takes literally 2 minutes to copy the old version to the actual release from a backup.
  21. TyrDaishi

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Did somone notice that the bullet impact and objects in the distance are quite broken in exp again? I played for like half an hour yesterday and distant objects wouldn't load in detail, also no bullet impact visible? Or did the game not load correctly maybe a one time thing or related to my PC?
  22. TyrDaishi

    any point in having a sidearm?

    I had two fights with a .357 against guys armed with sks. The distance was around 30-40 meters in kabanino and the gun performed flawless. (corner at the stonewall of the inn)
  23. Unfortunatly with childs that get an allowance like 120 € and more they could buy 4 accounts a month if they feel like cheating ;) As long as the bans are getting issued this slow noone will lose the will to cheat if he has that kind of mindset to begin with.
  24. Teleporthack, Aimbot, Speedhack = 3/5 dead; two could log out before they got killed in our group. I only have the names of the players that where on the server in a screenshot. I'm assumig that won't help at all? It would be a nice feature if you could see the ip adress from the server you are playing on and the time when you open the playerlist so you can narrow it down when looking for hackers. A unique steam or player ID would be usefull as well! Steam became a pretty powerful platform over the years that could help to ban cheaters more faster and reliable.
  25. TyrDaishi

    Logging out..?

    The worst that happened to me was when my friends and I wanted to leave the server and my first buddy and I logged out but the 3rd needed some time and got shot in the face 1 second before logging out. That bugged the shit out of me for a long time. That bad luck with the timing... It also could have been zeds. If you ever saw a zombie attacking a bush randomly and won't recognize you at all = Player who logged out in the bush.