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calin_banc (DayZ)

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About calin_banc (DayZ)

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  1. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    It encourages bad business practice, plain and simple. You can always found their work by donating to their Pay Pal account whenever they make one available.
  2. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    People might be interested in mods while they're free, paying is a whole different thing, more so when the gameplay is basically the same.
  3. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    You're probably talking about Overhaul mods then and not small ones. Keep in mind that you need a stable and large enough player base in order to justify the server(s) and to actually be enough people online at any given time to play it. Sure thing, it's your money and your choice to spend it on whatever enterprise you see fit. I for one, said "no" a long time ago to this cow milking business model.
  4. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    And how many people do you think will buy it (of course, IF Bohemia allows them to sell - no moder make can sell his/hers work for money)? You've probably missed the whole discussion about DLC policy on ArmA 3 forums. Payed "mods" wouldn't be mods anymore, just money grabbing content, with limited usability - since most likely will have to be allowed server side.
  5. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    With such ideas, the moding community would not exist.
  6. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    And that's why we can't have nice things.
  7. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I was talking in general to why PC players are skeptical about such moves and particular to Day Z, about development time.
  8. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    They've made enough money to build a whole new game from the ground up on the PC base players and they should have done that first. That "new tech thanks to PS 4" it's just PR talk and makes Dean look like he and Bohemia tried to make a "money grab" initially. To "dumb down" something doesn't apply to technical stuff alone, it goes deep within story and gameplay.
  9. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    It has more to do with the fact that the game development is taking a long time without significant improvements and usually games that have gone to consoles as well, equaled dumbing down.
  10. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Saying console crowd doesn't care about tech stuff puts you in quite a funny position. Perhaps you had missed (or purposely avoid) all the jokes and remarks about the xbox one not being able to stood it's own ground against PS4 or the pixel counting that went on for the last gen. BTW, the frame rate on TW 3 shown on xbox went close to 20s during a fight and going bellow 30 at each encounter. But hey, let just assume that "frame rate and resolution are just numbers", shall we? :) Hard to see the difference on multi platform games? Sorry, but that's absurd and not even worth mentioning. Never mind the fact that better image quality helps with the immersion (after all, it's not the same to watch a movie at a cam rip or at a Blue Ray quality), higher frame rate and better, almost lag free/precise controls and so on. Besides graphics quality, on last gen you were stuck with smaller maps and maximum 24 players in BF while I could just as easy play on 64 players larger servers in Eyefinity (yeah, now that's "the way it's meant to be played). Oh, not to forget about poor fps//fps drops etc. - guess what, consoles games are as well poorly optimized, performance that ALWAYS will remain the same, not matter what you do. This all "just wait to unleash the power from the consoles" was a leitmotif last gen as well. No real breakthrough though.
  11. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    From all I wrote there, you've picked just Ubisoft. :)
  12. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Back then PS3 and xbox360 were high end machines, only in the years after PCs managed to get ahead of them. Still, they had, like all consoles, one fundamental flaw (and advantage): fixed hardware. You can optimize, you can see more clearly where to cut in order to get the best quality out of the available performance, but still... there is so much it can be done. Crysis ported to old gen looked like crap, it's the most obvious example. Also Oblivion had it's dynamic shadows taken off (from the PC version as well, because f**k logic - or perhaps there is one, in the money from Sony and Microsoft). It didn't ran that great back then, more so on PS3, but on PCs as well. The thing is... it still runs like crap on consoles, but now it works like a dream on the PCs of these days, even modded. Same with GTA 4, ran like snail on almost all platforms, runs pretty great now (pro tip, win 8.1 at least does miracles). You see, games do look better, but they can't match what's going on in the PC environment - and I say again, that was with some high end hardware at launch. New ones... oh well... To put it into perspective, my almost 4 years old CPU and almost 3 years old GPU, give a run for their money on these new ones. 2 more years and I'd say you've got from a build such as this (2500k, 8GB ram, 7950OC) what a console gamer expects to get from a console (that if it doesn't dye on him, of course :D ). A console need to run an OS as well, ergo PS 4 only has about 5,5GB RAM available to the developer (vRAM + RAM together) and 1 or 2 cores are reserved for the system (not really sure on that one). Even so, those 8 cores are quite slow on speed and efficiency. Now, add DX12 and better optimized OS for the PCs and the advantage of a consoles fades away even more. All in all, you get real quick to the point of the most popular and weaker hardware, holding you back. :( Ubisoft just stated that the new Assassin's Creed will work on 900p 30fps even on PS 4 in order to provide the same experience (kudos to M$), plus more and more developers say the consoles cannot match the high end PCs now (and no one is talking about uber high end like quad GPU, $1000CPU and so on). Ubisoft was stating that the CPU is not enough to push more due to the AI, whie GPU it could have been able to do more.
  13. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Back then last gen were the best, top high end parts, both. Now mid range at best. Overestimate it is not. ;)
  14. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Don't expect Xbox/PS 3 to happen again. Sure, the games will look somewhat better, however in order to be on the same level with previous gen at launch time, these new ones should have been fast 8cores CPU (probably 3,5-3,8GHz), 8-16GB RAM and a 780ti or something GPU, some fast SSD, etc., which means quite high end parts. With that said, yes, they can cut or reduce a lot of stuff to fit the consoles standards, plus some optimizations it should be ok.
  15. calin_banc (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Some seem to think that one pirated copy means one lost sale. Couldn't be more wrong than that. Piracy let's people use content that otherwise they would have probably not payed for or afforded. Some use it as a tool to asses product quality before purchase. Of course, as a developer you only see what you wanna see and instead of adjusting prices regionally (not only for PC, but for other platforms as well), they just moan. Moreover, let's not forget that on consoles, each second hand copy and onwards, brings nothing to the developer. In a way, the end result it's still the same as in piracy = 0 income for content creator. Haha, that would be a perfect trolling situations against PC players and a lot of rage against Bohemia plus Dean. :D