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Everything posted by fvdf

  1. fvdf


    Important things are bold, underlined. So, yeah. Playing on server with this IP: At around this time: 8:30 Central (I live in Minnesota, USA). I was looting Electro. I was getting ready to go to Cherno to look for a vehicle, and that very moment, I got teleported to a random area on the coast, 8KM away. I was like, Moments later, a voice came on saying, "On the ground." I got on the ground. He said to drop my stuff and if I did not comply I would be shot. I hesitated. He said he was robbing me because his IRL name is Marcus (My IRL name and IGN), and there can only be one. I said in direct chat, "Hax0r", and he shot at me. I rolled around while he missed three shots, and then boom, I was dead. It said in the chat that I was killed by a Robby with an M9SD. Almost seconds later, the red BattlEye text came up and said that Robby had been kicked for some kind of script restriction. My question here is, do people get banned for being kicked by BattlEye? And if not, is there a way to get him banned? I wan't playing in Steam and I don't have any recording software, and as such cannot provide evidence. So, yeah. Server IP:, Hacker/Script Kiddie IGN: Robby. If you should need any more details, post here. I will provide you with what I can. P.S: The server was a private hive/unofficial! P.P.S (Or is it P.S.S? Idk): If you, the hacker, are reading this, I give you a sincere thank you, for being the first person to kill me using 1337 H4x. -Sincerely, Marcus.
  2. Adding a setting for a lootmap sort of overlay would be amazing. Also, maybe add maps for Namalsk, Lingor, Fallujah etc? All in all, I really like the concept. I would definitely get it if it had loot spawns.
  3. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    So, I submitted a form Now what?
  4. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Im in. I was at a couple of the first meetups, but I stopped playing DayZ for a while. So, when is the meetup? What server?
  5. I was once in Stary with a buddy I had recently made. We were walking around, looking for the market. Once we had found it, we saw another player inside. He was equipped with nothing but a Makarov. We figured he couldn't be much of a threat, since I had an M16A4 and my buddy had an AKM. We told him we were friendly, lowered our weapons, and walked closer to talk. He said he was friendly as well, so we invited him to our group. I turned around for a second, and while my back was turned, the guy shoots me. He missed my head, hitting my arm, making me bleed. My buddy had already shot him up by the time I had turned around. tl;dr, Some lightly armed dipshit tried to fight two heavily armed people, and paid the price. He had a GPS among other things, so he wasn't a complete waste of ammo!
  6. Because of the cluttering of threads about people looking for groups and people recruiting, I think we should try to compact some of it into one thread. Also, if you are offering to join someone, here is a handy little form you can Copy/Paste make your life easier! XD _________________________________________________________________________________________________ IGN: Name: Age: Gear: Skills: Past groups: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You don't need to fill out the application, but it would make things easier.
  7. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    ^ Epic 2 hour long ponystep mix that I've listened to an ungodly amount of times.
  8. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Yeah, not so sure...
  9. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    why must I be in last! WHAAA
  10. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Two words... Paul Ryan (Or Ryan Paul, I really don't remember.)
  11. fvdf


    Holy shit! Did you get that on video?
  12. I would prefer to die from a hacker. That way, there is almost no way you can trace it back to rocket and blame him! XD
  13. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Yeah, I don't either. The 'party crashers' made it so much more entertaining!
  14. fvdf

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I'm in, again~! Also: I was Pinkie Pie in-game. :D
  15. Just so ya'll know, we are actually playing right now. :P
  16. fvdf

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Bump, and also: Who wants to go to green mountain with me? Like right now? It's night time where I live (MN, USA) and if I can get 5+ People, we can go on up there and see what all the fuss is about. PM me if you want to come! (FYI: I do not claim you will get out alive, any loss of items or sanity is on you. Unless the kill is from a survivor, in which case, it's their fault.)
  17. fvdf

    Rough Couple Of Days For Medics

    Do you like bananas?
  18. In-game Name: fvdf Steam name: fvdf140 Age: 12 (But MUCH more mature than most) The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): -5 (I think. I live in Minnesota.) Mic: Yupedoo. How long you've been playing: about 1 month+ Your preferred role and/or weapon: I'd love to be a guard for the camp (I am currently rocking an FN FAL with 8 mags, with an AKM with 3 mags in my pack. I have an M1911 pistol with a ton of ammo, a map, rangefinders, and NVGs. (Found a random tent in the forest, f*** yeah...)). Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor, I believe, I have +2k humanity. Again for my age, I may be 12, but I act much older.
  19. I'm not the typical friendly, but I DO NOT KOS. What I do, if I see someone and they don't see me, I try to avoid them. Other times, when I come in close contact, I order the guy to lower his weapon, and give him three seconds. If he doesn't comply, +1 murder. If I hear bullets snickering and snackering near my position, anyone I see pointing a gun will be another murder. If I am being directly shot at, I will light that SOB up. Long story short, rules of engagement.
  20. Not sure what you're asking, but I know that you're talking about NMM's shadowbolts. You know, these ones? Also: 100th post! XD
  21. Sorry for the late-ness, I forgot about this for a while! Anyway, Twilight and Pinkie Pie. (Extra credit: Spike was also with them, eating ice cream. They went to the Canterlot Archives, to learn the time spells. The episode was named It's About Time.)
  22. fvdf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big thanks to Mobes for healing me, he was professional, quick, and overall, really cool! :D
  23. fvdf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I did, Y U NO ACCEPT
  24. fvdf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Heavily injured by hacker, 3000 blood at the med-tents in Cherno (Ironic, right?)