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About Icanmakeupstoriestoo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Icanmakeupstoriestoo

    DayZ commander not opening at all

    Okay, sorry for the late reply. I turned it off for 10 minutes and attempted to open. Still no luck. I cannot figure out what the problem could be, I just want to play again!
  2. Icanmakeupstoriestoo

    DayZ commander not opening at all

    Hmm I tried opening it with Windows Firewall turned off and turned on. Still no look. I have Avast antivirus, how can I check if it will be blocking DayZ commander? Thanks
  3. Icanmakeupstoriestoo

    DayZ commander not opening at all

    Yes, when i go to download it I get an 'error occured' message with the below. I dont see a problem here. Details Same or higher version of .NET Framework 4 has already been installed on this computer.
  4. Icanmakeupstoriestoo

    DayZ commander not opening at all

    I have ran DayZ before and used to play alot. When I attempt to return to play more I seem to notice problems which stop me playing the game. The problem When I click DayZ commander, I get the User control screen comes up (would you like the following program to make changes to your computer) there is a yes and no button. I click yes. the loading circle is there for a split second and then nothing. I will not load up. I have tried many things, from reinstalling DayZ commander, to reinstalling the whole of Arma 2, OA, DayZ mod and the commander, I have ran as administator, disables and enables visual effects mode and tried running and not running in compatability mode. I have tried another launcer (PlayWithSIx) which I downloaded and encountered the same problem. There must be something stopping me opening these programs and I have no idea what. Any help will be appreciated,