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Everything posted by Hyperionguy

  1. Hyperionguy


    @Rigor Mortis I don't think building a whole city 20 feet above ground level is more practical than a wall
  2. Hyperionguy

    Mining stone with Fire Axe

  3. Hyperionguy

    Mining stone with Fire Axe

    What we need is a sledgehammer :D
  4. Hyperionguy

    sea fishing (beach casting)

    Don't mind Saunders, he goes around the forums shooting down all "low priority suggestions" what ever the hell those are. I think beach casting could be interesting, but it's a hell of a good way to get shot
  5. Hyperionguy

    Who wants Tea and Coffee added to DayZ

  6. Hyperionguy

    DayZ is to Clean

    This is a think tank. Nobody is demanding that these are implemented right away. I don't mean to sound rude here, but if you don't have any input on the topic don't waste the time posting.
  7. Hyperionguy

    Mining stone with Fire Axe

    I think it shouldn't perform as well as the pick axe, for obvious reasons. Maybe make it so it wears out very quickly?
  8. Hyperionguy

    DayZ business

    If people want to leave, then let them leave. I'm not going to consent to a change that drastic in the game.
  9. Hyperionguy

    Idea for new way to fix broken leg

    Someone sprinting on a broken leg ._. Where are the white knights of realism when you need them
  10. Hyperionguy

    Kill animations and visible bullet trails.

    Look up some videos on it. You can see the bullet slicing through the air in some cases.
  11. Hyperionguy

    Proper fishing rod

    I don't think he means 3 individual parts. It's just a basic fishing pole design with 3 sections. I would be hard pressed to say that fishermen dismantle and scatter the pieces of their rods. They wouldn't have any need to.
  12. Hyperionguy

    Not all ammunition is pristine

    I love how you can punch a bullet to degrade it's condition.
  13. Hyperionguy

    Remove 'sniper' rifles?

    Or I could just snipe people with rockets :D
  14. Hyperionguy

    Better reloading

    I shouldn't have to unload my whole sks or mosin in order to put in some more free cartridges.
  15. Hyperionguy


    Realistically I could recognize somebody by just looking at them. Their build, weight, height, and other small features would be easily recognizable. In order for this game to be more realistic it needs some sort of user interface to help compensate for the lack of all those things I listed.
  16. I've been lurking on the forums for about a month now and haven't read anything regarding this specifically, but I do think that a persons character should at least look different than everybody else's. I don't mean clothing. I'm just a little tired of seeing generic characters. I'd like some feedback and ways to enhance my idea or just throw it in the trash
  17. Hyperionguy

    More meaningful aesthetics for your starter character

    Just trying to formulate some ideas. I'm not asking for instant addition
  18. Hyperionguy

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    I want elephants roaming the wilderness...what? It could happen in real life...right? @reality
  19. Hyperionguy

    Proper fishing rod

    I'm sure they will be further advancing the whole fishing process
  20. Hyperionguy

    We need this in DayZ:

    I think the main concern isn't how cool a particular item is, the concern is over how realistic would it be to find a solar panel backpack in chernarus