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Everything posted by Riggertson

  1. Name: Remington (IRL) Riggertson (in-game) Age: 16 Time Zone: Texas, Central. Country: USA Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: School might get in the way, as academics are number one priority right now. I am currently lined up for Westpoint. Preferred Job: NCR High Command. Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I believe order is essential and I served in the 82nd AB realism unit. I am extremely familiar with military and small unit tactics as well as high command and like I said, I am lined up for Westpoint and already have my Congressional letters. I would be honored to serve with my fellow to-be NCR friends and I look forward to conversing amongst some of the top ranking NCR Officers. I also have a TS3 account. Thank you for taking your time to read this application and considering it. Please message me at [email protected] Or Skype upon reading this message. Rem.gray (Skype) I'm also in love with fallout if that helps any.
  2. Sorry, I forgot this part >.< Name - Remington In-Game Name - Riggertson Age - 16 Location - Houston, Tx, USA Experience - DayZ: 1 year. Epoch: 2 Weeks. Play Style - I like a team to play with so I am a team player. I will go with the flow to, so you say bandit, I'll be a bandit, you say hero, lets go hero. Like I said earlier I am in JROTC as PL. and was in a similar program called LDC, Also a PL.
  3. - 15+ (No Squeakers)- I Am 16. - Must Have TS-got a working TS3. - Must Have Working Mic-I do have a working mic. - Must Play Epoch-I'm relatively new to epoch but have a years worth experience in DayZ. - Must Follow Orders-Was in 82nd AB realism unit for a while. Currently in JROTC as a PL. I can follow orders.