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Everything posted by instynct

  1. instynct

    You keep using that word,

    I thought rubber banding was when your character keeps getting teleported to previous delayed locations (doesn't have to be far, still annoying even if it's just 1 meter
  2. instynct

    The reason Zombie clipping isn't fixed.

    If you think it's gonna be that simple then you're mistaken. If they had proper buildings/AI in the first place none of this would be necessary however since this engine is an outdated heap of garbage we have said issues.
  3. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    One could only hope dean would abandon this train wreck.
  4. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    To further prove my point, this last patch that took a month is actually worse then the previous patch. Nice engine huh.
  5. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    You're off topic on my thread please stop posting. And anyways yes you did edit your post you can't hide it from me I see everything. Nice try though.
  6. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    No you edited your post after I replied to try to make yourself sound smarter, nice try.
  7. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    Once again someone who cannot read properly and resorts to 'alpha' excuses. I already answered why alpha is not an excuse for said reasons in my thread.
  8. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    You obviously don't if you're not yammering about it.
  9. instynct

    Ella's standalone guide

    I came up with a better guide here it is: Step 1: Uninstall
  10. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    I expected some idiotic comments like this. Did you even read the first few sentences of my thread? "It's an alpha... that is correct however an 'alpha' should have a good base to start with."
  11. instynct

    What is good about this game?

    The build that got delayed because of side effects of these issues you mean? I'm willing to bet that none of these are 'solved' in the current experimental build.
  12. instynct

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    Because most of what they add is from Arma 3.... besides models.
  13. This project is not built from scratch at all. Mostly modified arma 2 + arma 3.
  14. instynct

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    Bohemia already made the money they needed, so they have no reason to expand the team or improve the game quickly. So maybe in 2 years the game will be released.
  15. Well, dean already got a large sum of money when selling the game to bohemia in the first place. There really is no excuse for the game to be progressing as slow as it is now. Bohemia has always been greedy and cheap in their development, and they haven't even expanded the staff of programmers for the game. Seems to still be the modders like dean who are working on the game. I'm just hoping a respectable company will develop a game in this genre soon with the realism dayz is 'trying' to achieve.
  16. Pretty pathetic how slow updates are being pushed out. Kinda saw this coming anyways, it is Bohemia after all.
  17. This is false information. Arma 3 still runs like absolute garbage in mutliplayer.
  18. Most likely it won't happen due to engine limitations. At least there probably won't be a large improvement.
  19. instynct

    Well This Is Interesting, Another DayZ Spinoff?

    My lord... they can't even make a proper kickstarter page. Whoever donated to this project deserve to have their internet access revoked.
  20. instynct

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    This game won't be nearly stable in another 12 months, maybe in 2 more years it might be decent, despite the engine rendering problems they won't be able to fix.
  21. instynct

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    Greedy as in they make millions and refuse to hire more developers and fix core engine limitations before releasing a game (*COUGH* Arma 3)
  22. instynct

    DayZ Alpha will not run at 4k

    You're better off not playing at all instead of that resolution anyways. Unless you like 10 fps.
  23. instynct

    FPS Lag with ,,good" computer

    Welcome to the crap engine of all arma games, enjoy your shit fps and never expect it to be fixed just like arma 3 and arma 2.
  24. instynct

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    Because the dev team is too small and bohemia is greedy and they are using an outdated junk pile of an engine. Those are basically the reasons why this game is in such a state.