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Everything posted by odet

  1. Cars. You promised many times to fix cars, how has still not been addressed?
  2. odet

    The Campfire "Tell your tales!"

    Bit of a dumb story but oh well. So I spawn in the north on the coast by Berezino. I made my way into town found some food and water and even got myself a Machete. I make my way looting through the multi level residential building and end up on the roof. I hear zombies outside, so I look down and there is some guy running from 3 zombies running towards the building I'm in. He takes the ladder that leads up to the roof where I am. So I decide to hide behind some cover so I can yell friendly from range as he comes up. He finally gets to the top I yell "friendly" and he stars to charge me with an axe. So we end up circling each other for a good 15 seconds taking swings at each other and missing, when he finally takes his circle too wide and falls 5 stories to his death. I get to the bottom floor to check his body and get a Mosin, food, water, and a pistol with ammo.