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Everything posted by 11tw

  1. 11tw

    Say no to floating rifles on your back

    yep... and not a single rifle in day z has those right now. They need to be added as an alternative to holsters. So basically you are agreeing with the OP's idea of needing items to hold up rifles. YAY!!! everybody is happy!!!
  2. 11tw

    Remove magical weapon slots

    The issue is that right now there is nothing holding your melee weapon and rifle to your back... Instead we should have passive carrying, so for example woodsmen walk around with their axes balanced on their shoulders in one arm. A similar thing can be done with a rifle. This would make a lot more sense, and look cooler. Then, as an upgrade for people who want to have both arms free, using a rope with your backpack or finding a sling allows you to strap weapons to your back.
  3. 11tw

    Remove magical weapon slots

    the way the hacksaw sits on your back looks very painful... often it cuts through your avatar's shoulder if the suggestion was implemented, it would have to be balanced by adding more rifles with ready-attached straps for carrying on your back and in your arms. These are common in military rifles from the 20th century, and make doing tasks while holding a rifle quite easy.
  4. Right now the avatar seems to suck at navigating high up places. I suggest that the ability to jump short distances should be added, for example jumping from one building's roof to another. Longer gaps could be traversed using makeshift bridges, made out of things like metal sheets and planks (which are commonly left lying around on roof tops I have been led to believe by video games). Players should be able to give eachother help when climbing from ground level to first floor rooves. One player should be able to give the other a boost to get up, and the other should be able to reach down and help pull the other up. Drain pipes, tips (or dumpsters), crashed cars etc. could be used to climb up to certain rooves. This would make the game more exciting, and make escaping zeds more doable (this would tie in well with over-powered zeds, as monsters which are harder to kill so you have to escape them seem to be a staple of survival games (see amnesia)). Any ideas on other ways players could navigate roof tops?
  5. 11tw

    Ideas for navigating roof tops

    sorry, back on topic... ideas for traversing roofs/rooves?
  6. 11tw

    Ideas for navigating roof tops

    maybe if you are american... In england the plural is rooves for example, nobody says 'hoofs' everybody says hooves. Certain words ending in 'f' become ves in the plural.
  7. Just wanted to post a few questions to poll how people feel about the new zeds... My suggestions are embedded in the questions, but to avoid creating bias I will not say which ones are my favorites. Would be great if as many people as possible participated, as how zeds behave and react to players will be key to the finished game. Feel free to comment if you can think of any features which zeds could have which I haven't thought of, and to argue your choices in the poll.
  8. how about just limiting people to 3 server changes per day? I would never use more than that
  9. 11tw

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    not a bike helmet... just a helmet. I want a bike helmet so that I can roleplay as a triathelte damnit!
  10. 11tw

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Just some random thoughts... Bike basket (for carrying stuff on the go) Bell (for distracting zeds from other survivors) Bike Helmet (for crashes) Roller Skates (I understand how impractical they can be for navigating difficult terrain, but for quickly moving across paved areas roller skates are probably the most convenienct way to travel. Of course it would have to take at least a minute to change out of them, but I still love the idea of skating around zombies punching them)
  11. 11tw

    Weapon suggestions

    I have to agree, mounted weaponry would be a step too far... One group of bandits with a makeshift tank equipped with a mounted machine gun could destroy a server. As for the other gun suggestions... why? Would they really add anything new to the game? I would rather see more makeshift weapons such as shivs and cutlery added instead of more guns. However seeing as a large part of the community seem to like guns, perhaps more guns should be added, as long as they are ranked from common to rare in a way that makes sense in the context of the game... for example foreign weapons such as British and Japanese guns would have to be extremely rare drops, whereas Russian guns would remain very common.
  12. 11tw

    Zombies need to be rebalanced (poll)

    fair point! sorry, I did let my bias affect my choices of questions, so that question is invalid. However I suspect that the majority of players are against strengthening zeds, as after the latest update they are harder to escape. The real question is how strong we want zeds to be. Once that is decided, everything else has to be decided based around that. For example, if we go for really hard to kill zeds, then they have to be slightly easier to escape. If we go for weak zeds then there have to be more of them. It's about balance, and I think that that is something for the developers to discuss further down the line. The only question in this poll which was really valid, I now see, was the third one, as this doesn't focus on the strength of zeds but their behaviour. I think that we should discuss more about adding to zed behaviour and less about balancing zeds, as this is what is most important in alpha, adding content, not tweaking existing content.
  13. 11tw

    Zombies need to be rebalanced (poll)

    the poll isn't biased, the questions are posed in a way that gives no indication as to which answer is preferable. My personal opinion is that zeds should be dangerous, but that an axe to the face should definitely put them on the ground. Also, the respawning needs to be fixed so that you don't have to fight and infinite army of zombies (right now they spawn ANYWHERE within 100 metres of the player after 5 secs, so if you are fighting multiple zeds using a rifle, the fight will be infinite unless you kill them all within 5 secs). Tbh, killing zeds will be easier once hit boxes are fixed, and weapon aiming for certain melee weapons is fixed. These zombies are from what we have seen most likely 'living' dead, so they should die from an axe to the head, end of story. Now how well they can dodge hits to the head on the other hand is still something that can be changed to make them more of a threat.
  14. the game shouldn't encourage people not to kill eachother. It sucks that KOS is so common, but I am not pro any sort of 'sanity' meter which was designed with KOS in mind. In real life, people react to seeing death in a certain way; they vomit, they pass out, they scream etc. However if this experience was forced on to a player it wouldn't add to immersion, it would ruin it. You and your character need to be united for immersion to be possible. If my avatar vomits while I am totally unphased by the person I just killed, then that is seperating me from my character. However, if done tastefully and with brilliant design, this could be quite good. I would suggest that if you kill people very often, your avatar becomes more paranoid. This means that innocent background noises become louder, and the models of other players begin to look slightly more threatening. For example, while the hero sees an average looking guy, the bandit sees a more menacing looking figure. Like I said, this would have to be done with subtelty for it to be any good. However, for the sake of fairness and realism, this would have to apply to all, not just bandits. The 'psych' bar would get worse for everyone who was fighting zeds and humans, regardless of their light-dark affinity. This is realistic, because having just been chased by a zed in real life I would be more prone to mild paranoia. This however could be counteracted by certain actions such as eating, being indoors, sitting down, reading, starting a fire, cleaning your rifle, reorganising your bag etc.
  15. I wouldn't mind the ability to carry two long weapons on your back, however I do also agree that this would have to have some downsides. Firstly, needing more food to remain energized and running considerably slower than someone with one gun. To be honest if I had to carry a backpack full of food, a hand gun, a rifle, medical equipment and ammunition I don't think I would be keen to add another gun to that equation...
  16. this seems realistic enough, as long as the attacker doesn't get a few seconds of 'God Mode' where bullets don't hurt them. The attacker should also have to hold down a button for the whole time the action takes. Letting go slackens the rope/strangle hold. I think this would be good because it would allow the person being attacked to be saved by an ally / hero: 'LET HIM GO OR I SHOOT!!!'
  17. 11tw

    Zombies need to be rebalanced (poll)

    the problem for me isn't that they are too hard to kill, it's that they respawn too close to you and too quickly. This makes running away the only good option for someone who is too weak to fight, as killing that one zed will simply beget another one. We should be fighting zombies, not a hydra...
  18. 11tw

    Zombies need to be rebalanced (poll)

    the last one is multiple choice, and the first two are just single choice. Also, allowing the views of others to influence how you vote is a tiny bit weird... if everybody did that minority views wouldn't ever get a voice.
  19. 11tw


    all I can say is that the game needs another dimension. Right now it feels kind of... empty. I know that this is mostly because the game is less than half done, but I also think that unless there is some kind of character growth the game will simply be boring when the game finally reaches full release. Obviously skill progression is the least radical option, whereas professions and perks are a little too 'gamey' for my taste. And of course a skill system would have to be implemented properly, because in some games skills just seem like a last second seasoning rather than an integral mechanic. With the new implementation of fires, hunting, fishing, foraging, mining and forestry, I think that a skill system is more suited to the game than ever. I know for a fact that I would take a lot longer to cut down a tree than my brother who does it in his spare time. After trying it twice I imagine I would be able to do it much faster. Therefore players would be encouraged to practice doing these things while they know they are safe so that they can do it faster if they are worried about nearby zeds. Similar stories with skinning deer, gutting fish, catching fish, collecting berries and so on.
  20. 11tw

    Zombies need to be rebalanced (poll)

    ... thank you? ... (Is it weird that I feel slightly frightened?)
  21. 11tw

    Fish & Game items

    cool, like all of these. However it would be annoying if they were too common, I don't want to be finding nothing but fishing rods!
  22. 11tw

    Zombies need to be rebalanced (poll)

    awesome! in any case, feedback given here will still be valuable in the reworking
  23. 11tw

    [Suggestion] Ringing in ears

    Awesome idea, maybe a message like: 'I feel blood dripping down my cheek' In extreme cases, hearing loss should last for hours. This would make sniping less feasible too, so I am pro this...
  24. 11tw

    (Immersive) Animal Suggestions

    The behaviors of animals would have to be worked on extensively. Bears and wolves don't just attack you for no reason... they prefer to try and scare you off, and as long as you don't make sudden movements or look threatening they won't chase you. Bats, while largely unimportant, would make for a good way of immersing the player into the world. Plus, catching bats in nets for food seems feasible.
  25. awesome idea, I already did a thread on how stealth attacks would help balance the melee system... it would have to be difficult to do though, as otherwise you would simply unbalance the system again. The main issue is whether this would make you too powerful. Are we talking about a system where if you get a strangle hold in you have won? Because in that case the person you are attacking has no option to fight you off... There would have to be some way to counter, either by grabbing a weapon on their person (hand gun or knife) or by grabbing a nearby object (stone, lamp) and using it to hit the strangler.