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Everything posted by 11tw
I would be fine with this, but the spawn system would have to be altered to accomodate it. For example, if you kill yourself then you spawn in a remote part of the map always. Seems harsh, but I think it would be the only way to prevent abuse of the system. p.s. if your legs are broken, crawl to a tree and rummage around in the ground (saw it on wobo's channel, haven't tried it myself). Then tear up your shirt and built a splint out of the stick you just found. Not too hard. And if you die on the way, then no need for a suicide button.
I love the idea (despite the lore problem, which could be easily fixed). What might make it better would be if you had the option to carry on as a zed. You lose your ability to use weapons, but you gain some new ability (possibly a way to track survivors?) The advantage of this form would be no zombie attacks, and if you looked like an ordinary zed then that would give you a distinct surprise advantage on players. Any thoughts?
when heating issues are added can we have tents which are better suited to cold environments? also sleeping bags. i only ask because i last went camping in november with summer gear and i really regretted it... so in a colder climate this would probably lead to death.
okay, so my idea is that when people spawn on the coast, they spawn in a wrecked boat. There would be one of these at each of the spawn points along the coast (inland spawns could be in buildings, or wrecked cars). When you gain consciousness, you are inside a boat and have to find your way out. Perhaps there is a small chance you will wake up bleeding. The boat doesn't have any weaponry to speak of, apart from an emergancy fire axe and some food and clothing. I think this would add to the immersion of the game, as it gives the player some explanation as to how they got there. might be a neat touch the devs could add later in development; what do you think? p.s. the size and contents of the boat would be random, for example one could be a small fishing boat, another could be a jetty, another could be a passenger boat.
So what? It would be annoying, but realistic. Bandits would naturally target such vessels irl, and so I see no problem with this. Ideally, there would be ways of escaping bandits which would give new spawns more chance (e.g. hiding under things)
no, my idea (to clarify) was that they would be washed up on the coast, and not work. Also, they would be permanent features and the amount would be limited to the number of spawn points along the coast. Therefore no problem really.
I for one like how vulnerable the game makes you feel upon spawning... you have no weapon, so that forces you to behave differently to how you normally would. This is a good feature of the game.
yes, that would happen. Along with child murder, torture etc. However, since this would add nothing to a pvp survival experience, this will be left out. Unless you are some kind of mutant who get's sustanance from raping people? Cannibalism would however add something to the game, because it is a realistic (if dark) way of surving if you are low on food. p.s. there is a disease which happens specifically when you consume human flesh regularly, but seeing as it develops over a long time like a cancer I doubt it should be put in the game. On the other hand, the psychological trauma of eating someone could cause hallucinations, paranoia etc. Don't know how these would be represented in the game, but it would be cool.
Do you want to see persistant storage disapear with player death ?
11tw replied to massacrorBKK's topic in Suggestions
the problem isn't the persistant storage, in fact I think that making it disappear when you die would add more problems than it fixed. However, the problem is that people can respawn on the server and get their stuff. I think the Devs should implement a timed wait to get back in to the server you just died in, and if after that time you return and your stuff is still there, then kudos. I can't think of a better solution, but without the wait the game would be ruined by the fact that death would be meaningless. -
you clearly don't understand suspending disbelief. It isn't about what is realistic in our universe. Day Z is set in our world, so it has to follow all the same rules. The Day Z universe has one key difference: the Zombies. This still means that 'hyper realism', or realism as it is known to anyone with any idea of what survival games are about, is important.
Do you want to see persistant storage disapear with player death ?
11tw replied to massacrorBKK's topic in Suggestions
how about, when you die, you are locked out of the server you died in for a certain amount of time. You go to a different server and carry on playing, but any base you built, tent you filled, or base you barricaded is lost to you. I don't want to see this become a game where death is meaningless. Oh, I died, but that's okay... I can respawn, find my tent in that barricaded part of a town near the coast and gear up again! If you do this, you aren't really playing DayZ. Usually my opinion is that ghosting isn't something I should worry about, as I don't do it. But if lots of people do this, then I am going to be swamped by other players with full gear. And they, with their full gear, will have nothing to collect. Seeing as they have nothing to collect, they get bored. Can you see where this is going? If we have both persistant storage AND the ability to stay on one server after respawning, then we will lose any hope of DayZ becoming an amazing game. It has so much potential, but this has the potential to kill it in one blow. -
this would be good for gameplay (hear me out) an empty syringe would be a good stealth weapon. As far as I am aware, injecting someone with air at a 'cluster area' of blood vessels would kill them quietly and pretty quickly (shock is induced almost immediately (to my knowledge)). So, if we can sneak up on an enemy undetected, can we get an instant kill hit with the syringe?
the whole fungus idea is probably more popular because of Last of Us, however judging by the symptoms demonstrated, a fungus seems unlikely. For a fungus to have such a severe effect on animal behaviour, we would have to see some major damage to the body before you developed violent tendancies. There are fungus variaties which target the brain and control creatures, but it is extremely crude and they survive in this state for a maximum of a few hours. However a protoctistan parasite like Toxoplasma has been shown to cause violent tendancies if the infection is widespread across the brain, and TOXOPLASMOSIS AFFECTS 1 IN 2 HUMANS!!! My guess would be that the disease we see in Day Z is an aggresive mutation of Toxoplasma caused by nuclear radiation, deliberate engineering, mutagenic chemicals etc.
I think that this is realistic... it isn't giving you 'magic info', because if you get shot in the leg, you bloody know that you have been shot in the leg. A map, like the one shown in the thread, of the body with damage tracing would be a good addition to the game. However, to avoid it being annoying, it would have to stay in the menu rather than popping up on screen. p.s. how about as a compromise, the information isn't very detailed if you check it while running, holding something etc., but if you check while sitting down in a 'safe place' (not sure how that would work specifically) then you get a much more detailed analysis. This would be a better balance, because if you are stabbed then you can feel it, but you won't know exactly what's going on until you get somewhere safe and take a look at it.
some people like to play devil's advocate. They have their own opinions, but they try and get other people to express ideas better by asking questions. It is a more constructive thing to do if you aren't 100% one way or the other.
Right now, the stuff you carry fits in to slots. The smallest unit for space is a 1x1 space, and many objects fit in to that amount. Many objects that fit in to this space are smaller than others (for example, a box full of rifle rounds will take up about 2/3 the space of a tin of beans). Could the system be reworked so that the grid is 10x bigger? That way a tin can be 10x10 squares and a box can be 8x8 (or whatever). Ideally object space would be based off how big things are in real life. A more ambitious system however, would allow for the more complicated side of packing. For example, something made of thin material such as a shirt can rapped around another object in a way which minimizes space usage. An example would be stuffing rags inside shoes in your bag. Ideally the system would allow for this in some way, however I am not entirely sure how this would work. Any more ideas?
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The game is in alpha, and that means that there are limitations to what can be done to add more zeds to the game. These technical difficulties can't simply be magicked away by the Devs when they see your highly compelling argument. At best your suggestion looks like a child demanding their Christmas presents early, despite it being Easter. When you buy Standalone it warns you that the game isn't finished. Your post only really annoys me because you aren't saying: 'can we have more zeds?', you are saying: 'Give me more zeds now. If not I will be angry with the devs'. If you want to play the finished game, wait until the game is finished. In the mean time, you have been able to buy the game at a discount of its eventual price, and been given the privelage of being part of the ongoing development of a game with incredible potential. The suggestions forum doesn't exist so that people can complain about the game being 'unplayable' or 'broken'. If you have to do it, go to general discussion. and also, ha ha ha ha! Your wit amuses me to no end! p.s. here is your suggestion rephrased in a more constructive way: It would be great if the game had more zeds (insert the reasons you gave, only without the needless insults to the game).
This all sounds reasonable, however right now the system is set up for testing purposes. If items are too rare, then players don't aquire them. This means that people aren't testing them as the game progresses, so bugs aren't removed as quickly as they could be. When the game is finished, I am sure that the loot situation will be altered drastically.
What if servers were limited to 48 hour restarts? If they all restarted at the same time then most people would stop doing it. However the whole sit in one room and server hop till you get a rifle thing might still be a problem.
could we have hiding like in Amnesia Dark Descent? So you go into a closet and it goes first person, and you can peer out the crack. As for hiding under the bed, again first person, and you can shoot your persuers feet if you think they are going to find you.
+1 for realism, hopefully will be added eventually.
Please add slow (Romero-style) zombies as a server option.
11tw replied to rudiger650's topic in Suggestions
For those who say it would make the game too easy... So what? It's just another difficulty setting which you can opt in and out of! How does it affect you 'hardcore' players? If people on the slow zed servers couldn't transfer equipment to ordinary servers, then that would prevent any problems. Also, slow zeds is just another interesting scenario. The game has to follow realism in almost everything, but zeds are the one place where devs can get creative rather than just make it like real life. I would like to see slower zeds which are almost impossible to fully kill (classic horror zombies) once all of the hit box stuff is sorted out. And finally, once illness, hypothermia, malnutrition, stamina etc. are added I doubt anyone will be saying that DayZ is too easy. The same people who are currently saying: "the Devs need to add More Zombies!!! This game is sooooo easy!" are the ones who will be saying: " Oh my God!!! Not this realistic! Could the devs remove most of the zeds, pretty please?" in a years time. So, in conclusion, adding more content is usually a good thing. An extra mode to choose from would be a welcome addition as far as I am concerned. p.s. many have cited that the game's lore has infected zeds who aren't dead. So what? The devs can change whatever they want, and using the: We can't have classic zombies because that isn't what the lore says! argument just doesn't make any sense. I doubt anyone would mind having more gamplay options if it meant that the lore only applied to traditional servers. -
Costumes for zeds would be awesome, right now they all fit in to a few different categories... as for limitations, if they varied in height, strength, resiliance and injuries that would be cool. For example, some could spawn with burns or missing limbs. (I know that they aren't undead, but even infected zeds will get injured from time to time, so if they sometimes had injuries that would be cool)
Safe zones which magically exclude Zeds would be a break from realism... this isn't a fantasy game. A barricaded area that spawns occasionally in towns though on the other hand, would be cool. What players did with it would be entirely up to them. These areas would have to be maintained by players, otherwise zeds can start to get in...
I like the idea but... I find it strange that this thread gets a ton of activity, but discussions about how zeds should behave, whether we want sneak attacks, ways to improve the storage system, ways to improve the crafting system etc. get 2-3 pages of bickering. Aesthetics-only character customization is cool, but probably the least important aspect of most games. Gameplay related character customisation (weaponry, clothing etc.) should definitely come first. Imagine if GameFreak had focused on finishing the character clothing customization in Pokemon X and Y before finishing the battle system. It's about prioritising the must-haves over things like this. (sorry for the bad example, but best I could think of) Before we focus our suggestions on what are realistically finishing touches to a complete game, we should focus our suggestions on things like hunting, scavenging, fighting, zombies, player interaction and everything that actually makes the game a game. If we focus on stuff like this, the forum is basically rendered useless. THAT SAID... I like the beard idea and I would love to see it in the finished game! Longer hair would also be a nice addition... p.s. it has already been said but this topic was already brought up at least once before to my knowledge... that makes this thread an even bigger waste of time, as everything we hash out here has already been hashed out at least once before.