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Everything posted by 11tw

  1. 11tw

    Too much punching breaks your hands?!

    Never punched someone (sounds painful) but I would agree that fists not taking damage from punching is weird. Maybe getting an infection from punching zombies would make sense (you are punching them while they are trying to bite and scratch you!), as minor cuts on the hands are easily infected.
  2. 11tw

    Reduce fall damage.

    Fair enough, hadn't quite put the concrete thing into perspective! I would still say a fracture is a bit extreme though... sprains maybe?
  3. 11tw

    New Combat System!

    What makes the game good is the survival element; any gaming staples can be used to good effect when paired with this. Most people just hate quick-time because it is often used terribly, but that is like hating movement because in some games it doesn't work very well.
  4. 11tw

    New Combat System!

    I am not saying that quick-time is perfect, but if done well (heavy rain, resident evil 4, resident evil 5, tomb raiders misc.) it can be very good. It also reduces strain on a developing crew as animation is easier, so I was only thinking about how to make it as good as possible without a ridiculous amount of development. Also, quick-time can be good because it allows people to put their reflexes to use! In the current system you pull out your fists (or axe, not that it makes a difference) and just click click click till someone is dead. With a quick-time melee system this would be more intense and exciting, allowing for more competitive and frantic (see heavy rain) fighting. On a separate note, the other things I have posted are either minor nitpicks about bugs or things which are to do with combat, so combat is the only thing I don't like about the game, meat pie.
  5. Thanks, and I do know it is in alpha, I just didn't see this on the list of current suggestions.