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Posts posted by LdW-BinarySoul

  1. Date/Time: 15.06.2012 - 10:49 pm

    What happened: Loosing Backpack, Weapon, NVG´s, Googles and Inventory by entering the PBX-Boat. Its NOT possible to pick the stuff up again. We loose everything.

    Where you were: North-East-Edge of the Map.

    What you were doing: Stand on the Beach, scroll down to "Enter Boat as Driver" an drive around.

    *Current installed version: ARMA 2 (Beta 93825) | DayZ (1.7.0)

    *Server(s) you were on: EU 4

    *Your system specs: Not relevant because a teammate try´s to help me and get the same issue

    *Timeline of events before/after error: Come to the Beach, Entering the Boat, Drive around with the Boat.

    I will show that with some Screenshots. I REALLY hope that there is a way that a Dev can give me my gear back. (ok uploading a screen seems not possible to this game. So please check the database for my stuff)
