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About LdW-BinarySoul

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    On the Coast
  1. LdW-BinarySoul

    EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

    He think, we are silly. He starts an other Server and hope, we dont notice that. Other "Server Message", the Camp (about 25 Tends) vanish, all the vehicles (about 8) vanish and so on. He just save his cheated gear with starting an other server-instance if he get killed.
  2. Date/Time: 15.06.2012 - 10:49 pm What happened: Loosing Backpack, Weapon, NVG´s, Googles and Inventory by entering the PBX-Boat. Its NOT possible to pick the stuff up again. We loose everything. Where you were: North-East-Edge of the Map. What you were doing: Stand on the Beach, scroll down to "Enter Boat as Driver" an drive around. *Current installed version: ARMA 2 (Beta 93825) | DayZ (1.7.0) *Server(s) you were on: EU 4 *Your system specs: Not relevant because a teammate try´s to help me and get the same issue *Timeline of events before/after error: Come to the Beach, Entering the Boat, Drive around with the Boat. I will show that with some Screenshots. I REALLY hope that there is a way that a Dev can give me my gear back. (ok uploading a screen seems not possible to this game. So please check the database for my stuff)