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About HawENist

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    On the Coast
  1. Okay, I found out that some servers only need 1.62 which I can play but most of the servers required version 1.62.103718 I don't think that's lower than my version, isn't it higher..? Well I believe that there will be an update sooner or later so I'll just sit and wait playing Domniation on A2
  2. So, there will be an official update which will fix everything soon? Like, I mean we don't really have to fix it ourselves manually unless we want to play now?
  3. Well, I believe that this will be fixed in the future, I can wait. But are you gonna officially fix it? I mean like update all the servers and etc...
  4. So all I need is to downgrade the version?
  5. I got Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed yesterday and I'm new it those.. all I wanted to play was DayZ mod and I don't know which server I tried to join, Just a random server :/
  6. Whenever I try to join a DayZ Mod server it keep says "Bad version, Server rejected connection." And I tried both of these steps http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/187032-fixed-bad-serial-key-wrong-cd-key/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186986-fixed-bad-version-server-rejected-connection/ And I've tried those couple of times and I don't know what's right and wrong and whether I should do or not.... Oh and I've got the problem 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' and after following the step to fix that I got this problem DayZ_anim' requires addon 'CA_dubbing_Counterattack after that I pressed OK and it says 'Bad Serial Number In Setup
  7. Okay, I know that there's many many topics about the server rejection problem but I tried to follow the steps clearly, and it didn't help me fix the server rejection. Will there be a update/patch for this server problem or do we have to do it our self manually? The steps aren't clear enough so its hard for me to follow, Sorry for my bad english I might be making people repeat but atleast here, could you explain it clearly please? :'(