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About peyotekonak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. peyotekonak

    CTD after Dayz intro

    Still getting this problem :(
  2. peyotekonak

    CTD after Dayz intro

    UPDATE : I tried anything you said but still wont work, i got blackscreen and i can saw my cursor.. Is there any parameter cmd to turn off antialiasing and etc ? I think the problem is graphic setup
  3. peyotekonak

    CTD after Dayz intro

    Thanks, i will try it right now ..
  4. peyotekonak

    CTD after Dayz intro

    Please excuse my english i am from asia I just bought dayz yesterday and download complete today and i like to play but when ever i tried to play i got blacksecreen and crashed right after Dayz intro, i've already tried any solution like run as admin, run in window mode etc from http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-performance-guide-crash-fix/ but still wont work, i tried to play in my notebook its work fine. I believe my PC can run this game My specs Windows 7 8GB RAM Nvidia GTX 780 MSI TF