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Posts posted by Glenn4Z

  1. I been moving from areas to areas, and I could not find a single person to talk to nor some zombies to kill, and this is in a 40/40 server. what is everyone objective is in this game? just going airfield, and military base? as far as I could nothing but trees and more trees swaying in the wind. at least in dayz mod I encounter a lot more actions and player encounter. what servers do you guys play that is active? I use the servers from dayz standalone, does dayz commander has a different list of servers?

  2. I hope they add more zombies in the countryside, its seem unless you are in a big major city everywhere is so empty, and I get bored just trying to move from one area to the next and all I could see are grass. some wildlife would be helpful too. I dont feel like my character is in any danger majority of the time, only once when I came across a military air strip but thats about it.
