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Everything posted by poppabear

  1. poppabear

    DayZ Loading Error

    Hello, So when I boot my DayZ up I get an error, I hit ok and it takes me to the game. Quite a while ago I moved my documents to my harddrive (as it was taking up space on my ssd), so I moved the dayz documents there. However, my game is on the C drive (ssd), will this affect it, especially speed? Here is the error in screenshot: http://gyazo.com/8b9c7d67a0eb392537b9a43bb42e7cb1
  2. I want a build that will run very high fps on dayz standalone and arma 3, both with ULTRA settings (maxed out). Also I want to do HD video editing, therefore I chose the i7. My future build: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/HZDHrH What frame rates can I expect on ultra settings on DayZ SA and arma 3? Suggestions/improvements wanted!
  3. poppabear

    i7 4790k 970 - Opinions needed.

    How about arma 3?
  4. poppabear

    x2 Arrowhead problem

    I use the DayZ commander and when I double click on a server it opens the plain arma 2 arrowhead and the dayz modded arrowhead? Why 2? I have posted it in this section because I don't think it's a bug. My aim is to find out is that's normal and if not how can I fix it? Any help appreciated, Thanks
  5. poppabear

    x2 Arrowhead problem

    Okay thanks, any reports or anything I can send you? Otherwise, we'll have to think about the possible problems later.
  6. poppabear

    x2 Arrowhead problem

    Okay thanks, not really used to forums but nevermind. I was still wondering why whenever I double click on a server using the DayZ Commander it opens 2 arrowheads, one normal, one modded... It used to open one, and it's starting to get annoying. Any help w/ that?
  7. poppabear

    x2 Arrowhead problem

    Can I get an answer then?
  8. poppabear

    x2 Arrowhead problem

    I'm not launching it with steam, just the commander. Also the launch parameter box is empty. When I clicked the tick box for launch with steam it opened 1 Arrow head but said I got the wrong version? I updated like yesterday... What is going on?