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About MegaMonsterM

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Here is my video showing how you can fulfill all of YouTube's legal requirements to monetize your gameplay of Arma II. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4WblS3aAbI
  2. Hello, I have a question that can only be answered by the devs - are we allowed to monetize (Show advertisements on and make profit) audio and video content of the DayZ Mod on youtube? Bohemia Interactive gives permission to monetize arma II A&V, but for "user-made content" (Which I assume DayZ falls under) we need permission from you. So, I've seen people monetize it before, but do you officially give people the permission to do it? Link to BI thread - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133522-User-Monetization-of-BI-s-games-Audio-amp-Video-content%28e-g-Youtube-Partnership-Program%29
  3. MegaMonsterM

    First time in a while...

    Yeah, I used to do that, works well. Adding another video now
  4. MegaMonsterM

    First time in a while...

    Not rell There's nothing really exciting happening, but I'll use this thread in the future when things spice up a bit.
  5. MegaMonsterM

    First time in a while...

    Just your standard gameplay, I plan on recording everything though this way I can get some good stuff on tape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTPOFh3vss0&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSG8Q0EVKqg
  6. MegaMonsterM

    [GUIDE] How to install DayZ mod for $20

    Thanks this helped me out!!