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Everything posted by SenoritaDorita

  1. http://www.battleye.com/download.html Arma 2 OA 32 Bit or 64 Bit, depending on what yours is. Follow the instructions just below the download link. Place it inside "battleye" folder with "expansion" in your install directory. Run Arma 2 OA without Day Z, close it down and it'll work.
  2. SenoritaDorita

    Cannot move, at all.

    I don't think this is a stuck character, so I've made a new thread, I hope that's alright. I logged off 100 - 200m away from NWAF as I was in a hurry, so I got into a pine tree and logged. A friend wanted me to get on as he was also there so I did, but I logged in and got past "please wait" but I was just standing still in first person and I couldn't do anything. Couldn't move, aim, change weapons or even press "esc" to exit game. I closed to Day Z with task manager then loaded it back up, same problem. My friend knocked me out but when I awoke I still had the same problem of not being able to do literally anything even though I can see whats happening infront of me and others can see me. Any help to resolve this would be appreciated without me having to die.
  3. SenoritaDorita

    What I just found in Svet Police station..

    Those are all the shoes of dead players who entered that police station. Yours are next.
  4. SenoritaDorita

    Post a picture of your in-game graphics settings and framerate

    15 fps everywhere :(
  5. SenoritaDorita

    2 Hour Restarts - Unless We Need Gear

    There isn't a rule against restarting server, but there is about doing it to farm loot.
  6. SenoritaDorita

    [Request] Paper targets

    I think there are nails in the game, I think I can recall seeing some. Maybe you need to use them to pin up a target to a wall.
  7. SenoritaDorita

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Yes, crash sites are in I've seen a few around with loot around (Although it wasn't great loot, just ammo which I didn't need) and animals too, I've so far seen boars and elk. Path finding, well zombies still run through walls but it does feel a little better but that might just be me.
  8. SenoritaDorita

    M4A1 Stocks

    Hello, so I couldn't find any threads about this already so I thought I would make my own as I'm curious. My favourite weapon as of now is the M4A1 with the ACOG optic, it is such a pleasure using it after killing the bandits who just couldn't resist me having it and were literally dying to give me it. I've seen several stocks around, and I was wondering what they all do. I have read up that the CQB stock gives more spread and worse accuracy at longer ranges however grants better control(?) at short distance like in a small city distance or building to building. I have no idea what they other stocks do, so if somebody could tell me that would be great as I've got them all in my backpack however I can't seem to find differences but I want to have the best one on the gun just incase it's making that minuscule difference that will count when I need it :P Thanks, -Sen
  9. SenoritaDorita

    M4A1 Stocks

    Oh, thank you. I'll go with the Magpul for now on then ( I think that's the one I already have on there.) Could somebody also enlighten me on the suppressors? Do they work after the 0.45 patch or are they still not working? I was always under the impression that they were not before according to what friends said and haven't got one yet to test out. I can't find anything in the changelog.
  10. SenoritaDorita

    Shotgun ammo

    Hopefully this isn't breaking any rules, sorry if it is but I don't see this is related to any other topics. I see ammo suggestions by people however what about survival made ammo? Since it's a survival game I feel as if there should be DIY ammo, like using Nails as shotgun ammo with empty shotgun shells and what not. Using nails, .22 rounds or anything like that. This might encourage people to using shotguns more often, being able to find ammo that's not as effective on players but still relatively useful on zombies.