Hello everyone, I would like to introduce you to a new server DayZ Epoch! Name: [EU] NGP Epoch[VETERAN] Coins/Banks, Vector Building, WAI, Self-BB, Custom Buildings, SetViewDistance, Service Points, TOW/LIFT, Snap Pro!Ip server: Team Speak 3: tsngp.plWebsite: www.ngpepoch.plSlots: 40Localization: LondonDifficulty: VeteranHosting: GTXGaming.co.uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkxTfwWbJeg Video promoting the server! What you will find on the server?Service PointsDebug-MonitorSafezones( God mode, anti steal)Logistic TOW/LIFT scriptSnap PRO!New Buildings example Balota, NWA, Kamenka.Self-BloodbagWicked AI 2.1.4 22.04.2015Plot ManagementVector BuildingCoins and BanksAdvanced TradingRemove trade animationsDoor Management(Fixed)New Debug MonitorRepair and refuel for the coinsNew safezones systemMaintain base for the coinsRPG on the missionsMilitary Vehicles at traders! Admins:NaTsu(Owner)Psych0.o(Owner)MeDyk(Admin)ItsMeM(Admin) What can we offer?Fun and atmosphere !A lot of vehicles !Friendly administrations!Events!FPS! Again ip: Team Speak 3:tsngp.pl Website:www.ngpepoch.pl One of the owners NaTsu. The server is under construction and a lot of things can change so feel free to write about their ideas on the server. Regards