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shredergenetix (DayZ)

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Everything posted by shredergenetix (DayZ)

  1. shredergenetix (DayZ)


    we met like 2 hours ago and were teamed up with maniac, I meant to ask you for your steam but died before I asked. Add me on steam if you see this its the same as my name on here
  2. shredergenetix (DayZ)


    Lol yes I know I did compliment his name when I ment him. I was taken aback by it too.
  3. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Attention the UX boys of UK 25. I am as you can tell shredergenetix, me and my boys had a nice firefight with you yesterday, was fun. Anyways me and some guys came back and were playing from the hours of 2-4 PM GMT-5 time, and I would like to bring some things to your attention. Me and my group got killed by either an invisible guy and/or a guy who modded his game to not make any gunshot sounds. We were in electro about 200 meters NE of the docks and 3 out of 4 of us were killed by someone whom we could not locate or hear. As we were running along in electro two of our friends got shot and killed instantly within about 2 seconds of eachother while running, we heard the whistle you hear when you get shot at, but no gunshot itself. I at the time had an L8 and was using the thermal to scan the areas around us... nobody was seen. Shortly after me and the other guy who survived were behind a house that was also covered by a wall so there was only 1 location for someone to shoot us, sure enough my friend got killed with still no gunshots at all. Since thier was only one way he couldve got shot from as soon as he got shot I scanned with thermal... nothing. And at about 4PM GMT-5 we both had our legs broke and were killed with no explainable means, we were in the middle of the street so there was no death due to being to close to something and proning similar to some trees etc. This is the only way I can contact you and I just thought you might want to have a look at the logs to see if someone was using hacks of some sort in order to purify them from your server. Disclaimer: I am NOT saying that the UX clan was responsible of hacking or abusing admin rights, I'm simply making this post hoping that they read it and ban the user(s) responsible. Also, I have no proof that I can show you unfortunately but the 4 of us can tell you the same story, If you read this and would like to talk to us my steam name is the same as it is on the forums. Thank you, and happy surviving.
  4. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Jesus what happened here? Guys day z in its current state is FUBAR, you cant go an hour without getting killed by a hacker, which is why I am just waiting for the standalone. We need to stop pestering eachother about the killing and the camping whereas there are bigger problems going on. Who cares who shot first? If you cant relay to another player that you are friendly in the amount of time it takes for that player to aim at you and pull the trigger your in a firefight already. You simply cannot be friendly with randoms that much as veteran players (If day z has even been out long enough to even have someone be a "veteran") simply want to shoot for fun and noobs are all warned when they come into day z not to trust anyone. I remember reading on another post I dont remember which, but it was talking about how after you get a ghillie, a coyote backpack, and your choice of military weapon, theres not much more for you to do except camp the coast/pvp, and its true, what are you supposed to do where at that point you have pretty much done all the mod has to offer? Think of it as beating a game, after you beat the game what do you do? You start to fuck around. And dont worry about tents and gear, whats gear when at the end of the day you get killed by someone invisible, or who has godmode on? These things have all happened to me and its not like its only on the UX server, its on the vast majority of them. When beany killed all my guys with the thermal I wasnt mad I lost our gear, in fact I didnt even give a shit about it. I was dissapointed because after the previous firefight we had I told my guys that these guys are cool they fight fair, so I let my group down, well thats at least how I see it. Coka, so what if they killed your group man? There are tons of other servers that you can play on, no need to rage about it let alone like I said what does it matter? You will get killed eventually, by a hacker, a player, or a lucky bastard with a crowbar. Its a game guys relax, and that goes to everyone. Beany, I do agree with Coka that holding on to the thermal was a bad choice. Sure, you didnt hack it in, but I read on the forums that if you are found with it you can still be banned. If Rocket finds you with one and you say "oh, I took it off of a dead guy," thats not much of a defense. I do see that you have dropped it since which is good, regardless of wether or not you found it or spawned it in, its rather... unethical if you will, its simply cheating. I do however understand your "Either they have one and I die, or I have one and they die," look at things, but once again whats it matter guys?
  5. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Our member are: <F.E.A.R> Ballard <F.E.A.R> Snakeshit <F.E.A.R> Zrex (on your server he is "ISMYNAMEBETTERNOW") <F.E.A.R> Smealy <F.E.A.R> Marine 10108 <F.E.A.R> Infexious <F.E.A.R> Shredergenetix <F.E.A.R> The Holy Cow <F.E.A.R> Kowalczyk <F.E.A.R> Acer <F.E.A.R> BlueArrow <F.E.A.R> Jakesvids <F.E.A.R> Legendary To make it simple I think well just put the tag in our names without the <>'s when we join your server
  6. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Sure we could organize rules such as NVG's and Assault rifles only thats no problem. And we are aware that there were no illegal weapons use in our first firefight, in response to the pissy statement I find that most people would say something like "lol get pwnd noob" or just plainly be a dick about it.
  7. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Well I give you all props for not being pissy about calling you out on the weapons, and perhaps we can arrange for a gunfight between us as to avoid the use of weapons like the thermal AS50. I was just dissapointed that we went in seeing that there was I think 9 of you on at the time and thought that it would be good fun for another gunfight and we get wiped out without being able to do a damned thing about it. I suppose then being as you arent being total pricks as most people would, then feel free to add me on steam and we could organize a friendly shootout. We are the <F.E.A.R> clan but we take out the tags because we cant get on the server with the <> symbols just so you guys know. Also, props to your boys as well for no Alt+F4ing and the like.
  8. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Its also nice to know that my guys were literally just annihlated by your boys with AS50 thermals no doubt. We got a nametag on Beany with An AS50 thermal and we know there was another. The AS50 thermal is an illegal weapon in day z and we wont be returning to your server again.
  9. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    Hacked Server FR 124 #1

    I can confirm, a gunner and I were circling around stary sobor (where this took place) in a heli for about twenty minutes as these guys were shooting at ballard here and the rest of the guys that were on the ground, not once did we see this guy and we had circled around well after the other hackers were dead. After the battle I was with the player that had died just before Ballard from this invisible guy, heard the shot and there was noone to be seen. Also, since the return of helicopters people on the forums say that only 1 is allowed per server but another friend of ours got killed by one that was at elecktro while we were working on fixing up our own at the island, thus there were two, which apparently isnt allowed. Also check out the FR 124 #2 as well as both servers say "Hosted by ??"
  10. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    <F.E.A.R> Clan

    Bumpity, bump, bump. Shreder reporting for duty
  11. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    Has DayZ made you laugh out loud?

    Me and 2 buddies were heading westward into cherno. We see this guy running down the traintracks his character screaming like crazy. We were maybe 5 meters away from him, so we just watched as he ran by and just laughed at the situation and of how random it was. Then someone opens fire on us while we are in our lol's and my 2 friends ran away, but we had no idea where it was coming from and I didnt want to run towards the guy ya'know? So I ran around a bush in a circle frantically untill one of my friends died so me and the other guy hid in the warehouse by cherno. It was a very entertaining string of events
  12. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    Rocket Defence Force and Anti-Rocket Alliance ASSEMBLE

    It would actually be really cool if there were organized matches between the RDF and ARA with rocket himself playing as the leader or RDR and someone else as leader of ARA, and the objective would be something along the lines of killing the opposing teams leader.
  13. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    Looking for partner(s)

    I have put over 50 hours into day z only maybe 1 of those hours was in a group. I find it significantly less effective to solo, so I basically would like a partner(s) who I can play with. You must speak english, and thats pretty much it. I would prefer if you too put hours close to that of mine but thats ok if not. As for myself I find myself especially useful at looting in zombie swarmed areas, dealing with zombies, etc. My only weakness is that I for some reason cannot kill another player for the life of me, I just suck at it, killed one person ever and that was only because he was alt-tabbed out. So I guess someone that counterbalances my skills would be cool. Add me on steam: shredergenetix P.S. You also must be running the latest day z patch ( I like the way it is, no reverting for me.
  14. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    Looking for partner(s)

    I didnt even think of that molten. I am in Gmt-5 and I play usually at night from around 6pm-2-3 am depends on how I feel about playing with a full server because everybody runs to the daylight ones at that time.
  15. shredergenetix (DayZ)


    in I have a ghillie suit and I spawn fine, but as you said about broken bones being healed when you switch it also makes all zombies around you dissapear, but exploiting that can make you magically lose 90% of your gear.
  16. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    Confess your sins here - The worst thing you've d

    So, I started a new character and did my normal looting routine all the while is this guy named rad asking for help in chat, and like normal I just ignored it. I eventually started making my way to the NW airfield in hopes of finding a ghillie suit and a SVD camo. Meanwhile this guy rad is stating that he is in the NW airfield with like 167 blood or something like that. This goes on from my time at the SW airfield to elecktro then all the way to the NW airfield, using a map to find deer stands. So say for about 3 or 4 hours this guy is in the airfield passing out. As i get closer he tells the server that he is talking to a friend in skype or something and he himself doesnt have a mic so he is posting his replies in the server. As I enter the NW airfield this guy is still here, waiting for his friend to come save him. I looted all the hangars and noticed that the firestation tower was glowing red with chemlights, but I saw noone so just assumed they were airport lights (Derp). Now it was dark as balls so Im using my G17C flashlight to see loot piles. Im in the bottom floor of the firestation where in the chat he says "Either this game just bugged or someone is using a flashlight," and right then and there I knew what had to be done. I began to climb the tower by barely pressing W so I moved forward but made no noise at all. But I was scared shit because I knew his friend was coming for him for just as long as I had been in the server so where was he? My heart was beating so fast as I ascended the tower untill I saw him, looking perpendicular to me so I knew he didnt see me, but he had something I wanted: The SVD camo, so I shot him in the face without warning and began to loot as he said in the chat "Bandit at NW airfield" (lol) as I loot I start freaking out because I dont have enough room for the SVD so I frantically have to decide what to keep and what to leave and Im going crazy at this point because I swear I hear footsteps thinking it was his friend. At this point I dont know how to feel, this guy was sitting there for hours waiting for rescue and I made it in vain. I also hid his body after looting it for that extra doucheness. I feel bad for him but then I think easy pickin's and I enjoyed the feeling of superiority it felt good, my first bandit kill. But karma's a bitch.... After done looting I log off, adrenaline like crazy I decide to go get something to eat. I come back 10 or so minutes later and make sure I try to log into a different server, but to no avail. So noticeing that he wasnt in the server anymore plus there were only like 4 people in it I join back and descend the tower using my flashlight to see....... The second I stepped out of the doorway to the stairwell without warning an automatic weapon empties into me and I throw a hissyfit losing the very thing I quested hours to get. Was it his friend? I dont know but it still felt good, and sorry rad but you shouldnt light up your hiding area and display all your plans in chat.
  17. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

    I would like to state my thoughts on this update. 1. I too believe that it is really awesome to not spawn with a weapon, I like that idea but we should be given morphine as well as our bandage, painkillers, and flashlight because what if we break our legs in the middle of nowhere and get screwed. Just an idea though and NOT gamebreaking. Or swap the painkillers for morphine, you dont need to aim your flashlight steady anyways. 2. I agree with how it used to be really easy to sneak past everything, the new zombie sight ranges are acceptable they see you now literally how any other person would. 3. The damage changes are understandable I have noticed they seem to do around 500 damage to blood each hit, that is fine by me. And here comes my only complaint, you bleed and pass out WAY to easily, if a zombie slaps me I should not be gushing out blood. Maybe have different attack types one a type of hit with the zombies arm, another a bite, and only the bite would make you bleed. Although with the passing out I can see on how only running on like 50-75% of the blood in your body plus stress, lack of breath from running, and the mentallity (in your character) of "Oh shit! Oh shit!" can cause a person to pass out but it is unconfirmed if all those things have a factor with passing out, if they do then that is fine I will understand. But, if it is some formula of blood+damage=X% chance of passing out, thats bullshit. 4. The nights are nights. This is a very rural peice of land, I have family in pennsylvania and at night it is so dark I cant see my hand in front of my face. I have no problem with the darkness. 5. From what I have seen in chat on my playtime with the new patch alot of people are spawning in the middle of nowhere, it was told to them that they were not running the Arma 2 beta (which you will find in your Arma 2 directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 OA if you use steam). Optionally if you want steam to track time playing and such, follow the steps in this thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9314 So to summarize; Spawning with nothing is acceptable, zombies seeing further is acceptable, nights are acceptable, zombie buff is acceptable, only bleeding and passing out needs to be changed. Overall, this is a good improvement on Dayz I await further updates eagerly to see what else is added. P.S. if anyone wants to play together add me on steam: shredergenetix
  18. shredergenetix (DayZ)

    The Crows Clan: Forward Operating Post.

    Vincent TS3: Yes MIC: Yes 15+: I'm 18 Have put over 40 hours into this mod, am extremely familiar with the map, and sick of playing alone to be prey for some asshole bandit at the NW airfield.