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A Police Car

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About A Police Car

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  1. A Police Car

    Crowbar = Hatchet? (double item in 1 slot)

    Reproduced. Didn't want to make a new thread about this, but it's clearly an issue so thought a confirmation would be worth posting. Process: Had an AK74 Kobra equipped, full magazine. Picked up a crowbar because I'd only ever seen one once, and thought "why not?", assuming it would go into my toolbelt. Crowbar overlaid the AK74 in my main weapon slot, but did not appear in my hands. AK showed as unchanged, and I was able to aim and shoot normally with it. Dropping to crowbar caused it to disappear altogether (dropped in a drop-safe area, deer hide). Version: .2.3 SS: http://i.imgur.com/ii8mh.jpg
  2. A Police Car

    2x US 189 servers

    Just a heads-up for anyone that deals with this stuff: http://i.imgur.com/0Yjr4.jpg
  3. Either that or the admins of the server are the script kiddies.
  4. Huh. Following the strange temporary connection refusal/repeated kicks issue, the server has now been renamed. Guess that supports the "it was the admins rather than just any old script-users" idea.
  5. I don't know if it's worth it yet, I'll type it all out if anything continues to happen to continue to make me suspicious. Well, I would, though apparently I am no longer able to connect to the server, and keep getting kicked off. Basically it involved someone finding my campsite, me moving the remains to somewhere obscure, it being found again by the same people, me finding their site and watching it from afar, someone logging in and locking onto me as soon as they appeared, me moving back there and the same sudden login and death. I was watching the playerlist leading up to it out of curiosity to see if my suspicions would be confirmed. Now I can't connect I'm guessing they've decided to move their site. It's a relatively young server and has multiple copies of top-tier items, so either they've spent all day for the server's two weeks of existence farming and constantly hopping in to guard their camp (not impossible, since it seems to be restarted multiple times a day which would make heli crash farming pretty easy) or they're using third-party software. I only make this guess because I've been shown caps of hackers' maps which show the locations of all vehicles, players and tents, which would explain my gear being found easily by the same people over and over.
  6. I'm curious about what information is visible to a server admin/hoster as I've been seeing some odd behaviour on one of my most-frequented and tested it a little to see if my theory that it was the admin doing it was right. But without knowing what information they're able to see (server logs, like character login and vehicle/tent save locations) it is just speculation. Some of the behaviour has been too strange to be coincidental, and I want to know whether it's worth me checking out (and dying) a third time to confirm my suspicions and make a report, since if it's not admins abusing information available to them it's just a straight case of script/cheat use. Or a huge, huge coincidence.
  7. A Police Car

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Oh also, in addition to my earlier post: the Hilux I was driving I crashed a bunch of times on the way back to camp. Each crash was bad enough to give me a pain indicator and make me start to bleed. Engine, wheel and hull indicators start flashing red. Big deal? Nope, the first time it happened I got out of the car, ate some meat and when I got back in everything was at 100%. Second time I didn't even eat meat, just got out of the truck, saved it and waited 30 seconds. Got back in and it was fully repaired again.
  8. Well, hacking or exploiting, it's one or the other. After having no choice but to log out at NWAF yesterday after Suggsy kept running back to try to kill me, I chanced it today and came right across another guy lying on the roof of the ATC camping looters: http://i.imgur.com/B7C86.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5CNC0.jpg He was obviously aware of the fact that he couldn't be detected as he'd set up with a loud weapon, not caring about attracting infected, and after the first time I killed him he just sprinted across to the firestation (past an infected the level below me) and we wiped each other out simultaneously. Hacking or just a glitch caused by different versions, people are definitely exploiting it to their advantage with apparent impunity. If there was some kind of sign that anyone was addressing this they might be less inclined to go around doing it as much.
  9. Maybe. We still don't know if it's someone exploiting a glitch or being a naughty cheeky hackerchap. Guess the evidence is there for the DayZ staff to mull over and make of what they will. Though to be honest if I found myself experiencing a glitch like this I would want to try and avoid making the most of it, in case I got caught up in the next ban wave incidentally. I'm still trying to figure out where he came from at 1:08: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yECopkCGgnY&feature=player_detailpage#t=68s
  10. Seen your name on the server' date=' ahahaha good job on the video. We must have been a good 10 minutes apart, kinda glad we didn't bump into each other as it'd have not boded well for either of us. [/quote'] For me, at least. That one murder I have is in self-defence from someone camping the barracks and not responding to DC, generally try to team up with people (at my own cost, usually, was surprised the guy I teamed up with didn't kill me). But seeing a player sprinting headlong towards you without aggroing infected suspended those rules for a little while. I do change name a lot though, so if you come across someone with a retarded name in uppercase I'm probably easy game. SADFACE
  11. A Police Car

    suggsy89 report.

    Oh, you beat me to it by minutes. Had to wait for my video to upload. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18299 I guess corroboration's a good thing, right?