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About andytb

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    On the Coast
  1. A video speaks a thousand words: (the map is an overlay from a second monitor for the benefit of streamwatchers)Date/Time: 17th, 2000BSTish What happened: Right clicked a bottle to drink it at the fountain several times, and several water bottles appeared in my inventory Where you were: Staroye What you were doing: Drink/refill cycle *Current installed version: 1.7.1 Arma Beta 93825 *Server(s) you were on: Can't remember... NY7 maybe? *Your system specs: i5 2500k, Radeon 6850 *Timeline of events before/after error: Just running about in the country
  2. At the moment the mechanics for harvesting wood / matches / etc are great for common civilian spawn. But it would be nice to have another option We could either have a gas stove or a Triangia If they were military only spawns, and relatively rare, it would keep the use of the camp fire craft but give another option to those on longer survival runs. Maybe a bottle of meths could light 4 fires on a triangia? Too many consumables would make any new item pretty pointless compared to just carrying a hatchet and matches. Would a bottle of meths possibly have any other use in the game? Food for thought :) Andy.
  3. So youre saying that if i open up a lootpile and then drop my M4 in there it will just end up in the loot pile and not disappear? Trading goods in vehicles, fires and animal corpses is probably the most reliable way
  4. I've spawned about six times in the new patch now, and had a pretty grim experience with Z aggro mechanics > Crawling at about 2-3x safe range in the old patch and a Z goes Usain Bolt. Crawling before was pretty much OK unless you tried to cuddle a zombie's legs- the trade off is how slow it is > Lots of zombies spawning inside buildings, on top of the loot that I need to check for a starting weapon > I spawn in the Sol Quarry from an old life, take two steps and insta-aggro 3 Zs Not all that fun at all!
  5. YES Reminds me of the Amnesia monster mechanic. Loved that. The bandits-dont-hear-bandits suggestion from post 581 is probably necessary.