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About Raoul9753

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  1. Raoul9753

    Death timer

    push cause its still a mess
  2. Raoul9753

    Am I doing it right?

    Well, if you need it to feel good, do it. Guess you dont get alot of success otherwise in your life.
  3. Raoul9753

    Am I doing it right?

    Yeah you are, this is not CoD... If you just want to run around, bambambam shoot people, go play CoD...
  4. Raoul9753

    What changed?

    Wow thats alot of changes...
  5. Raoul9753

    What changed?

    I bought the Standalone Version a while back, but for the last... I think 5 month, I didnt play, cause there was just not enough to do yet, since the game is just Alpha and stuff... So, short version, what changed? Do we have vehicles now? What about tents/base building? Do Zoombies still walk through walls? Stuff... Is it worth playing now, or should I wait some more?
  6. Raoul9753

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Actually, not playing alot or watching forum.
  7. Raoul9753

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    This is for SA, not for the ARMA Mod, yes?
  8. Yeah, some people here really got their humor PKed^^
  9. I cant blame them... Charging 20 Bucks for a game thats basicly a walking simulator is kinda rough^^ I am sure alot of people expected more. I mean, I bought it because I belive the game has great potential, but alot of people have bought it, expecting the DayZ they heard so much about. And I can understand that they have been really disapointed.
  10. Keep cool. I was just watching, listening to this conversation and the first thing that shot through my head was "DayZ SA!", so I though "Why not post it, its a laugh..."
  12. Raoul9753

    after death run back to storage ?

    Then lets say you have 10 minutes to claim the storage as yours
  13. Raoul9753

    after death run back to storage ?

    What about this: Once the Avatar who build the storage dies, said storage is tranfered to a random location in the woods.
  14. Raoul9753

    Still to much rain

    on experimental they changed it, you actually have to stop and go through an animation, but you get 5% on the big bottle instead of 1% (I think its more on the small bottles, but could be wrong)
  15. Raoul9753

    Still to much rain

    Just be happy that you can fill your water bottles...