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2 Neutral

About moee10x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yh as if the server is not good enough already the walking dead additions are brilliant hershals farm and a new trader definately something different to everyone else.
  2. Been on this server since it started a couple days ago first thing i noticed and love about the server is how smooth the game runs, it has a lot of similar essential features like other epoch servers but really like how the heli crash sites are AI and fly and crash after a while as well as the bandit missions there is a system where there is a correlation the harder the AI the better the loot and all of them are random and sometimes spawn helis or APC's AND LAV's, the bandits drop too many DMR's but ive spoken to the admin who is more than willing to help and resolve this issues a lot of the admins are always active and support you with any issues i have advised them about the server and they always take it into account also being more than fair in any disputes. You can sell any type of gun and majority of weapons exist on the server, if you are looking for a epoch server this is brilliant i would definitely recommend it.