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Everything posted by Iperrymarkz

  1. Hey guys I'm new here so sorry if I posted in wrong area. But I've never played any dayz but I always wanted to, so iam going to buy ONE of them not sure which one. I only want to play dayz I don't wanna play any other mods or play the campaign(If I get the mod version) And I know the mod version is a little tough to download but I also heard that the SA is buggy and what not. So if anyone could help it would be appreciated
  2. Iperrymarkz

    Soo... Should I go Mod or Standalone?

    Sounds good guys thanks, I'm probably gonna get the mod.
  3. Iperrymarkz

    Soo... Should I go Mod or Standalone?

    Same reason I play COD and madden and Wow and ESO. I'm a gamer I plan on playing it for awhile, I understand that it's hard and not for everyone.