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Everything posted by Terrorfex

  1. Terrorfex

    Let's have a debate on zombie AI...

    Rocket already said that in the next patch we will be able to get a few more infected. Zeds are not zombies like the ones in Walking Dead. I do love slow-walking brain-eating zombies, but i also like DayZ style of infected.
  2. Terrorfex

    This is how YOU playing this mod.

    Bandits are part o the game, deal with it. DCers and Hoppers arent, but the first is getting fixed and the second.. well, there is no easy solution to server hoppers. But i believe that those bandits that keep sniping people in Cherno / Elektro are doing us a favor. People spawn and them blindly run to Cherno / Elektro for no reason at all. Once they learn that "running straight to the nearest city finding a gun and killing your buddy" might not be the best solution we will have a better community.
  3. Terrorfex

    Broken bones, no morphine, not fun.

    Morphine is hard to find ? Found 5 of them since yesterday. Found 1 in a Deer Stand, 2 in a corpse, 1 in Stary and 1 in NWAF.
  4. Terrorfex

    The problem with PvP in DayZ

    Nop. Leave the game as it is now. There are no more "bandits", everyone is a survivor, it's just that some people decided to take a different road. People should never be penalized for their choice of gameplay.
  5. Have you guys ever read the Walking Dead comics ? How the entire world "evolved" to work around just one rule: If you have something i need to survive or if i think you are a threat it means you are dead. That's the only rule you've got to follow. That's why any measure to stop PK is stupid. Sure, there are people doing it for fun. But the community needs to stop that and not the devs. I've done countless trips to Cherno / Elektro to kill bandits and help friends. I've got to say that removing the side chat kinda ruined that because right now i only go back to help friends otherwise i don't know wtf is going on there. During the Food Shortage of early 1.7.1.x patches i had to kill 2-3 guys to get some food. Actually i hate to engage other players, i really do, i feel really tense when i have to kill another player. Sometimes after a fight i'm kinda shaky and i need a few minutes to calm down. Today i was in the NWAF barracks, closed myself in one of the rooms while i was fixing things in my new backpack when i heard some guy opening a coke in the side room. I've tried to talk to the guy 2-3 times through direct he never answered. I just wanted to leave that place, there was nothing there. The guy didnt answer and came at me with guns blazing. I took him down, and then another one came shooting through the door and the poor SOB missed every single shot and i took him down too with my M14. Fighting for loot ? I can understand that. It's all part of the "apocalypse". It's realistic.
  6. If you spend a few minutes camping the NWAF Barracks you will see lots of hoppers. It's really annoying. They are KOS for me :)
  7. Terrorfex

    DMR vs. M14

    I love the M14. It's my favourite weapon in RL and ingame. Every time i find one i will carry it to my death. It's just too damn good all around and it suits my playstyle perfectly. I love to hang in the woods, away from big cities and the M14 is just an good all around rifle, you will kill shit fast in mid / close range and still be able to be dangerous from longer ranges.
  8. Terrorfex

    Fucking annoying.

    Today i was in NWAF Barracks when i saw some guy appearing out of nowhere. Freaking server hopper got what he deserved. But i was kinda stupid, forgot to reload my gun after the last fight so i had just two shots from my M9 SD... He didnt move. He was simply standing there. I believe he was still loading up. Anyway, finished loading my mag and killed him. I love to camp the barracks in empty servers just to kill server hoppers, killed 4 in a row yesterday.
  9. Terrorfex

    Heli crash sites?

    Found one once. Had a Crossbow and some cokes. I believe someone found it before and traded his xbow for whatever he found there.
  10. Terrorfex

    is there AA-12 in dayz ?

    No, dude. That one has Woodland camo, a Holo sight and no silencer. Mine has desert camo, red dot sight and a silencer. It's not on the Wiki, that's why i'm afraid it's a hacked item. If it is a hacked item i will despawn it through the rearm bug.
  11. Killed 3 server hoppers today in the NWAF, all 3 bodies disappeared before i could loot them, guess that's a side effect of that. DCers and Server Hoppers should always spawn with 3 zeds on them.
  12. Terrorfex

    is there AA-12 in dayz ?

    Nop. It has the same painting as the M4A3 CCO (Desert Paint) and the same RDS but it has an M203 attached AND a silencer. I hope it's not a hacked item since i found it in the ground on the Barracks near two mags. I will take a SS when i get home.
  13. Terrorfex

    is there AA-12 in dayz ?

    Today i found a M4 + Holo + Silencer that had a Desert camo on it. Its not on the DayZ Wiki too. I found in the floor in the NWAF barracks, it cant be hacked since it was on the floor with 2-3 mags like every other weapon. Rocket might have added a few different weapons.
  14. Terrorfex

    Murders leaderboard

    I'm not a huge fan of leaderboards too. Also, i'm not a huge fan of all that "leave it to CoD / BF3" crap. Stop trying to pretend that you are a better person just because you play / like a different game.
  15. Terrorfex

    Scariest experience in DAYZ? SHARE!

    Looting Stary at night. Slowly walking while crouched checking tents, find some ammo for my M4A3 on one of them and was kinda busy making some space in my backpack. From out of nowhere i hear a growl and something hits me. My leg was broken and i was crawling. Remember those dead bodies in Stary ? Well, one of them was one of those crawler zeds and i didn't see it. Really scared the shit of me, and thanks to him i died.
  16. Terrorfex

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    It's not that the "hardcore crowd" hates all new ideas. They just hate the ideas that want to transform this game in Left 4 Dead or Dead Island.
  17. Day Z, for me, is a game about survival. I made friends, enemies, lived and died. Rocket is taking the game in a good direction, we need it to be harder. We need people to be frightened when the zeds spot them, to run for their lives. To band together otherwise they are dead. Not even Walking Dead can compare to the kind of tension this game can create. If you want something easier there are other games out there like Dead Island. Day Z is not for you.
  18. Terrorfex

    Fan Fiction :)

    If anyone is interested i just started a project to create some Day Z stories. http://terrorfex.wordpress.com/ Keep in mind that english is not my first english and i like to write fan fics to improve it, so i would really appreciate any feedback. Thanks :)
  19. Terrorfex

    Broken leg? No morphine? Very good

    I just fell from a bugged stair in a Deer Stand. Had a M4A3 CCO, M9 SD, Coyote Backpack, all tools (Except NVG), lots of food, lots of ammo. In the end, after crawling for like 2 hours i just got killed by a few zeds. I had two shots of morphine. Used the first after a zed fight, the second after i fell a few stairs in a barn.
  20. No. Zeds are already too easy. Started another character, found a M1014 in a Deer Stand. Killed 10 zombies in a row, didnt even got hit once. It's just too easy to avoid them.
  21. Terrorfex

    DONT rearm at vehicles / tents.

    Actually, i used Rearm on a Tent filled with STANAG rounds (Thx for that whoever owned that tent) and it didnt delete my M4A3.
  22. Terrorfex

    Any Lore around ?

    So, is there anything on Day Z lore around ? Is there any plan to add something ?
  23. Terrorfex

    The "Best" of the Most Common Suggestions

    Molotov Cocktails would be awesome!