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Party Mild

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About Party Mild

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    On the Coast
  1. Party Mild

    upgraded to, auto kicking.

    This is a multiple weeks old thread about a totally different version, but I will attempt to help you out. I'm gonna bet it's not telling you to remove files, rather that they have been removed. Can you take a screenshot of the first error you got? It's probably because you aren't launching Combined Ops correctly, but I'd like a ss to make sure first. Sorry about that. Haven't posted on a forum in over 10 years, I figured as soon as I hit submit that I had posted in the wrong place. I know that is annoying for admins and mods so I will attempt to be more cautious next time I post. I do have a screenshot of the 'remove these files' and the other times I just get plain old 'kicked from server' as soon as I join. [attachment=915] I DID notice a min ago when trying again that a lot of servers say they are Version 1.7, but in the stats for the server, it says Version 1.6. Didn't really matter though still getting kicked from anything I try. [EDIT] I was just trying servers again, and one of them said my user was using modified files and I was kicked for that. Could that be the reason that for all the servers? This is the first time I have seen this. And if so, how do I fix this problem? I installed both games and did the Six Launcher just like I was told online. I hope I don't have to start from scratch...
  2. Party Mild

    upgraded to, auto kicking.

    I just spent my entire day trying to make sure I got everything installed correctly, many attempts and the past hour I did finally get it so the game loads and has the Mod detected and I can see the servers. But as soon as I join, I get 2 different responses. Either I get instantly kicked when the character screen is displayed for half a second, or, it tells me that I need to REMOVE a list a files. I moved the files it didn't want out of the folder into a spare folder, but that didn't make a difference. Then it gets mad that I DON'T have the files in my folder. I am so lost as what to do. Please I hope someone has a reply soon. I try connecting using the Six Launcher and I have my paths correctly placed. [Edit] I forgot to mention that I have Version 1.7 of DayZ. I hope I didn't post this in the wrong place.