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Everything posted by zudo_1337

  1. zudo_1337

    Decreased interest in the game?

    Same here. Im currently playing Arma3 and waiting for the new patch.
  2. zudo_1337

    DayZ business

    There is no need for that. I understand what you meant. I was just exaggerating. Item spawn limitations would be the way to go.
  3. zudo_1337


    Oh in that case never mind. I sometimes leave the game running (at server list) and when i come back a few hours later the times are still the same.
  4. zudo_1337


    I have never encountered this problem. However your server list may be out of date. Try refreshing. :)
  5. zudo_1337

    DayZ business

    PVP, Survival? What is that? I mean the DayZ experience is all about surviving and player interaction as a whole. Why divide it into separate gameplays. Survival servers - no friendly fire, PVP - no zombies. Thats just silly.
  6. zudo_1337

    Death feedback

    Yeah. From the realistic point of view you are right. Maybe some stats perhaps.(this was probably mentioned before) - Alive for xx:xx:xx - Zombies killed - Distance traveled ...
  7. zudo_1337

    Death feedback

    But the black screen upon death is a bit lame. Now visualise your characters fully geared lifeless body drop in slow motion as the light fades... oh the sadness. Sorry if the word "killcam" brougth back visions of a hacker filled spray and pray game. Hell I dont eaven own a COD game. :D
  8. zudo_1337

    Death feedback

    A slow motion killcam would be nice (espetialy when the ragdoll physics arrive). But because a lot of players play together and communicate via TS its not an option. It would just reveal the location of the shooter.
  9. zudo_1337

    Can you access other people's backpacks?

    Only if they are dead, unconsious or restrained. If the player was shot the items may be ruined.
  10. zudo_1337

    DayZ Documentary - The life of bandits

    Epic! I love it :D
  11. zudo_1337

    Fire Alarms or Car Horns as Decoy

    With the number of zombies in the game now there is no need for that. But if/when they add more zombies that would be great.
  12. zudo_1337


    Maybe a feature so you could add a colored bandana around your arm. For now we use the same hats. :D
  13. zudo_1337

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    In my opinion for lowering KoS the environment would have to be more inhospitable. For example a lot more zombies. Like hoards of them. That way the survivors would have to bind together so survive. As for the end game I do not see the "getting rescued" option. The world has gone to hell and there is no rescue. The only option is to survive as long as you can.
  14. zudo_1337

    I should have known better

    I also learned not to trust anyone - the hard way. Was in Svetlojarsk when I heard a guy calling for help. When i found him he was bleading with no clothes on... So i tried to go and bandage him. As soon as I opened my inventory I was dead. Another guy shot me from a building... Will still try to help others but will be more carefull next time :)
  15. Great guide. Thanks!