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Everything posted by TonyMahony

  1. Hi there. I got a quite new notebook (HP Elitebook 850, Core i7-4600U, 8GB RAM, SSD) The notebook consists of two GPU. First there is the cpu integrated one and a AMD HD8750M with 1GB dedicated memory. First i had big trouble to get the game started in the native FullHD resolution. It only started in 320px totally unreadable and unusable of course. By changing the CFG-file to FullHD resolution it started in the right size. But the performance is totally annoying. First I thought that the game might only run on the intel gpu. But I set the Catalyst settings to High Performance and checked it with "Open Hardware Monitor" that showed me some load of the AMD gpu while running DayZ in the welcome screen. But the game is not playable. The list of servers opens very slow already. One line after another. Even the texts seems to be to big compared to my normal PC where DayZ is running fine since months. I tried to connect to a server and the FPS was about 1-3. Like a flipbook What do you think? Is this normal for that GPU? Is there anything I can do to get it running slightly well? Thanks for you help, guys. Tony
  2. TonyMahony

    Is there a better map than dayzdb?

    Normally I use an additional notebook for the map. But the last few time I was to lazy to start it up so I just ran and I was surprised what I saw here and there. Sometimes it is better to explore the region without a map!
  3. Months ago I joined a server with only one other player. What should I say.... I met him at the NEAF. Luckily no one got shot! ;)
  4. TonyMahony

    Is this normal?

    I played the game first time since a few weeks. My character got wiped and I spawned as a bambi near Novo. The whole city was full of loot. Just like you see in the picture above. In one room there we around 5 SKS, 2 Mosins and many many small guns and other stuff. After only 10 minutes I was fully geared with good clothes, weapons and ammo. I never saw that before.
  5. TonyMahony

    Killing zombies

    It's quite hard to kill a Zed with your fists only. It was easier in the past. Try to hit the head while aiming a bit higher. Or try to avoid them as long you can't use an axe or something like that.
  6. TonyMahony

    Clothes & Temperature

    If your jacket is ruined than you will start to cool off.
  7. TonyMahony

    Question about Fighting

    First person view and then aiming a bit over the zombies head. With an axe always a one hit wonder. ;)
  8. TonyMahony

    the worst restart time

    @Caboose187, that would explain why they restart so randomly and not to specific times.
  9. TonyMahony

    Flashlight pool

    @Mos1ey Since the last patches you find so many chemlights and flares that you can illuminate whole Novodmitrovsk. ;)
  10. TonyMahony

    the worst restart time

    It seems like the servers are rebooting every few minutes now than 2/4 hrs. One night I played for about 2 hrs. In this time I had 5(!) server restarts. All on different servers. A few weeks or months ago I hardly had one restart per night.
  11. TonyMahony

    Flashlight pool

    I throw it away. Normally I play on daylight servers so I don't need a flashlight. And the battery is not needed also, because I don't use electrical tools in that game. To be honest, I don't understand why a fresh spawn has these two items in the pockets.
  12. TonyMahony

    Leg Glitch Death

    I think it really depends on your internet connection and latency. Normally I play on servers with 50ms ping or less. And I never broke my legs in any building. Ok, once I was dead. But that was because I inadvertently pressed the wrong key on the roof of the police station that I was lying on. ;)
  13. TonyMahony

    Anybody remember when Dean Hall said...

    Sorry for my eventually stupid question, that might be slightly offtopic: In which context stands the number of players and the frames per second? Is the FPS not only a problem of my PC and my GPU?
  14. TonyMahony

    Would someone in the NE be so kind as to save me?

    And he is still running..... and Lucid is already dead!
  15. TonyMahony

    How Does Temperature Work?

    By the way, what is the temperature like in Chernarus? Sometimes you see you own breathe so it must be around 0°C. In the sun it must be much warmer. But who knows how warm it really is?
  16. Once there was a time when I was able to kill a Zombie just bei punching them with my fists. As a newspan I tried that yesterday and only 1 of nearly 10 punches hit them. Even if I stand close to them and aim for their head. I think they made it harder to punch a Zombie down than killing it with an axe.
  17. You really log off in buildings? Holy f*ck. ;)
  18. TonyMahony

    (Ping) how much is too much?

    The less the better. Mainly I use servers with less then 50 or 60. Mostly there are more than enough of them.
  19. TonyMahony


    @mswarcraft: Please try to use a more suitable name for your post. And maybe you should use the search funktions on this forum. The map and the question of where someone is very common so you will find many information about this.
  20. TonyMahony

    Map help

    What about the online map at http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus ? Or do you really want to use the ingame maps?
  21. TonyMahony

    Hardcore settings?

    I played HC only for weeks now. Short time ago I played regular and it was terrible to play in 3rd pers view. I will stay HC! ;)
  22. TonyMahony

    My first blood at Nief airport

    I think playing this game is easiert than reading that text of yours. *scnr*
  23. TonyMahony

    Just me or is DayZ crashing alot?

    Today a very dangerous crash of DayZ. I was on my way to the tents at the NWAF together with a friend. We came from the north west and went along the wall. All of a sudden DayZ crashed on my PC. Via Teamspeak I told that to my friend and what did he say? His game also crashed on the same spot at the absolute same time. We were glad that no one saw us standing there in the open. After we finished playing (about 1-2 hrs later), we exited DayZ. As I pressed ESC in the server list screen, DAYZ crashed once again. That was not so funny and should be solved firstly!
  24. TonyMahony

    A Question About Logging Off

    Logout: Always hide in a bush or somewhere else and wait some time. Just to be sure there is no late zombie attacking you in the 30sec after leaving the game. Happened to me as I quit the game I was able to hear a zombie. After my return to the game it was too late. :(
  25. TonyMahony

    Just me or is DayZ crashing alot?

    No overheating. Since the last two patches DayZ crashed two or three times (very rarely) while playing. "Application is not responding...". But it never crashed the time before. It mostly crashes now while exiting the game and waiting for the desktop.