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maximus sparticus

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About maximus sparticus

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  1. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    I don't understand how you would get shredded if someone had a civilian ammo compared to military grade ammo, if you found an AR-15 with civilian .223 and the guy chasing you had an M4A1 with M855 rounds wouldn't you have the advantage because of the higher tissue damage you could cause?
  2. maximus sparticus

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    If you keep is set to semi automatic then it should be good for anything.
  3. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    Thinking about that those cities would be better for the bigger stores where you can find the ARs and AKs while the smaller stores would be better for the villages and have bold action hunting rifles and survival gear.
  4. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    Sorry didn't see those posts and how would the ammo types make the weapons useless?
  5. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    I was hoping one out of six out of the way towns would have a small local shop that would cater mainly to the local hunters and two or three general gun shops and a really nice shop.
  6. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    I thought it was okay to use .223 in a 5.56 weapon but not to use 5.56 in a .223 weapon
  7. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    About the civilian guns, just to clear this up the reason I want them in the game is to encourage exploration because gun shops will be scattered around the map. And they are civilian weapons so they can be worse or better than their military counterparts, it's a matter of luck finding the good ones.
  8. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    Yes but people do collect that and it would make sense to include in the game.
  9. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    People like to collect fancy weapons
  10. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    I was hoping they would add different variants from different companies, so you could get the cheap AR-15 or you could get a really nice high quality one. Regarding the ammo I was talking about the same type of ammo having different rounds for different purposes, to deal with armored or unarmored targets.
  11. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    Why would civilian weapons have magazine size limits? If it's an AR-15 then it should fit a STANAG just fine.
  12. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    You wouldn't be able to tell what type of ammo it was if it was loaded in a magazine, you'd have to unload it and inspect it. This way duct tape would be useful because you'd put it on your magazines to tell. If you're wearing a ghillie suit then you don't want to be seen. And the civilian weapons will be slightly worse in soft stats like accuracy, durability, ect. it's really there to add variety and make you feel more immersed in the game.
  13. maximus sparticus

    Different ammo types, gun shops and improvised ghillie suit.

    I'm not talking about magazines, what part of my post confused you?
  14. I've had a few ideas for DayZ that I personally think would make the game better and improve the immersion if added at a later stage. #1: Different ammo types - For example there it only the 5.56 round in the game, let's assume it's the standard issue M855 round used by the US military, it can penetrate body armor alright and tissue damage is okay but what if we could find civilian .223 rounds designed to cause massive tissue damage that do nothing against armor or rounds that will easily penetrate body armor but will do minimal damage to an unarmored target? Maybe if you were very lucky you'd find a box of M855A1 5.56 rounds stashed away in the barracks. Adding in these different types of rounds could also make duct tape more useful. You wouldn't be able to tell what type of round it was unless you inspected it so people could put black tape on magazines for armored targets and red tape on magazines for unarmored targets ect. little things to make the game more authentic. It could also help reduce the KOS with people not knowing if someone can kill them or not based on their weapon alone, instead of "Oh he has an M4 it'll take 4 shots to kill me i'll go rush him" it'll be "Oh he has an M4 he can kill me in 6 shots but he might have rounds that'll kill me in 2 shots i'd better stay low." #2: Improvised ghillie suits - Remember back in the mod where everyone outside of Cherno had magical ghillie suits that made them invisible? If they are added in they will be super rare the one Miles the bandit has is an improvised piece he made himself. If you find a TTsKO jacket/Tactical shirt and TTsKO/hunter pants you can gather scissors, burlap sack or two, a piece of rope per burlap sack and another Tactical shirt/TTsKO jacket to make it. It won't be perfect so you'll have to pick a smart place to hide and while gathering the supplies to make it it'll take up a lot of room so you can't run around with 10 stanag magazines while trying to make it. #3: Civilian variants of weapons and gun shops - Another way to add weapons without making them overpowered is to add civilian versions of existing weapons (AR-15 civilian AK-47) that are more common and are slightly worse (lower accuracy, single shot only, less reliable ect.) with proper M4A1s and AKMs rarer at military bases only. This can also add gun shops that can be spread around the map to break the Berinzino-NEAF death match, if you're luck you'll find an AR-15 with a C-mag and a box of .223, If you've kept karma happy you can get very luck with a Remington 700 and a box of .308. Those are my ideas, tell me what you think.