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About Demiralos

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  1. Demiralos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    The new camera in 0.58 is one of the first iterations. Don't forget that. When we saw it during 56/57 it was even allowing you to look over walls. Now it doesn't as it zooms into the back of your head when you try to look over. There will be many more iterations of it, and the tech/programming behind reducing wallpeaking has to be done correctly before it's implemented. And the logic behind it must be thoroughly tested. Let's wait for next iteration to see what's coming.
  2. Demiralos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Been thinking about this "Tear into rags" that requires you to use a sharp object. How about 2 different ways. Tear into Rags without the use of tools yields damaged/badly damaged rags, with rare posibility of worn but never pristine. And with use of tools it will yield pristine down to damaged, depending on the condition of the object used. That way when using a damaged or lower quality version, then you risk higher the chances of getting infected. And of course using medical alcohol will cleanse the rags before use, lowering the risk. Same should be introduced with sewing kits(both leather and cloth) when using the option to stitch yourself up. Using alcohol to clean the kits before using lowers the risk. Using unclean kits will yield higher risk of infection. What do you guys think? This is somewhat deeper into later gameplay in the coming months, but the first adress in this post is directly tied to the current version of "tear into rags".
  3. Demiralos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    As we're speaking of inventory:
  4. Demiralos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    It is :) Link:
  5. Demiralos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I had this aswell. And it seemed that in the -newui parameter a compass is read as 20/20 inventory slot for some reason. Might be some config required/missing on the client side. Will do a longer session on experimental later today combined with some feedback tracker posts. Other than that. The new UI looks cool, but in the first iteration abit clunky. **Feedback** The animation of the player character in the inventory screen looks like it's set to fast forward. Idle animation is sped up. Expanding and closing the inventory slots does not always work when you click the big PLUS sign. Sometimes you misclick and close the whole Inventory. Taking a hat or piece of clothing from the vicinity or from your inventory to "replace" the item on your character did not work as far as I saw. I had to remove my hat to my inventory, then put the other hat on. Not switch or replace like the old UI did. Ammo-count only visible when hovering over items, no ammo-count on the thumbnail itself when viewing the inventory. Ammo-count inside mags not visible at all. Loading the ammo into a gun is completely changed, or so it was for me. To get it working for me I had to put the gun into my hand, right-click the ammo and choose load ammo. Instead of dragging the ammo to the gun then choose load ammo. Abit "tricky" since we're so used to the old method. Though I have just have to get used to it. Browsing inventory denies you from running. So you can't move around with the new UI to check your surroundings for loot when playing in the dark. You're "locked" into place when browsing. And double-clicking items in the vicinity does not put it into your inventory. It just puts it into your hands. **Feedback done** Looking forward to see some more iterations of this as it looks very cool.
  6. Demiralos

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    AKM has atleast 1 attachment that you can switch. Foldable Buttstock, found one in the NWAF tents. And additional, the ATLAS Bipod is no longer attachable to the Mosin. Not sure if bug though.
  7. Demiralos

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Again, rubberbanding is not an issue on the client-side. Its due to low server performance(FPS), hence why walking slowly and taking your time makes you not rubberband.
  8. Demiralos

    Player activated environment sounds

    I've been thinking about this alot. Not just in DayZ, but other games aswell. Not only does it add to the immersion, but it also adds to stealth gameplay knowing where to step and move to avoid any sound that may reveal you.
  9. Demiralos

    Drink all option for water bottles and canteens

    This is actually being worked on I believe. If memory serves me right it will be in-game very soon :)
  10. Demiralos


    IIRC some youtuber had a talk with Dean about cigarettes and Dean wanted to make them actually reduce shock levels. As in, coming out of a heavy fire fight. Light up a cigarette to reduce your shock level. But they are very reserved due to certain countries has very strong anti-smoking policies(If I remember that argument correctly). Cant find the video, but its out there. So if anyone finds it, please post :)