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About Coltz

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  1. When I encounter one of these or people I am not too sure to trust I just yell " I am hostile Hostile Hostile" after a few sec I'll hose them down. Even if they were friendly, I gave them a very fair warning. I only interact with people I believe is freindly or completely hostile, never the ones on the fence lol.
  2. Coltz

    put the wind in

    But if people want wind, would it be easier to speak up now while its being developed or when its finished? If it was to be taken seriously
  3. Coltz

    Make mics a requirement.

    I don't mind talking on mic myself, but I don't see this implemented. OP seems like he's trying to coerce people to play it his way and his view of DayZ, while completely disregarding respect, opinion, and reasons of others from what I read. Some people are obsessed with having people talking to them back in game and its kinda creepy. I am all for social interaction, immersion, and going against groups with teamspeak or skype in game for an unfair advantage. However there must be a better way to do things than making others feel uncomfortable coercing them to talk on mics. Perhaps make a radio static sound when someone started typing, others will know that the person is typing or hear that there is someone is nearby to give them the same disadvantage as someone who is speaking on a mic? Besides, having DAYZ mic only will have people realize that I am actually ignoring some of the more verbal abusive players. Who I don't kill since we're on the same clan....
  4. Coltz

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    I would be inclined to agree if in real life my hands are attached to my head in a way if I look around my hands move with me. In terms of shooting, in real life we could have 3 basic pivoting points on our bodies to simulate that movement and muscles to absorb and stablize movements. If not driving would be harmful to our necks and spine to a point that it should not be practiced. Until they go to the extra mile to simulate all these naturally, I think its most beneficial and natural to have mouse acceleration OFF to accomodate more naturally with our hand-eye cooridination recognition. We are using keyboard and mouse here and not playing with green screen suits ( unfortunately xD ).
  5. Coltz

    Playing the good guy...

    Good on you to play DayZ differently. Might be more fun to react to players depending on the decision off a coin toss. Then there can be a middle ground of hero and bandit classification to play with lol.
  6. Coltz

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    TLDR; on the bottom Now I am not too sure why the devs are going against having multiple calibers, However imho most games with guns that I have tried doesn't have the same degree of detail DayZ have. At least for me, DayZ is where I learn the different sounds of guns ( regardless if its realistic or not ) and what calibers are most fitting to what gun. I know nothing about guns but I see the learning aspect of DayZ is what is truely unique to DayZ and is the defining reason that got me attached to the game. The only con of not adding multiple calibers that I can see and understand so far, is that people like me with no prior knowledge of firearms may have an unfair degree of trouble. Perhaps also it may be too difficult to find the proper type of ammunition, gun, and mag for people to attain. However I believe the Pros outweighs the Cons for having more calibers: PROS - It brings about the (imo) defining factor of DayZ for players to learn, adapt to the situation and perhaps grow, VERY fitting for a zombie apocalypse game. - can be an appropriate immersive addition to what is, to my understanding and assumption "Rocket's vision" of authenticity or realism. -It can enhance the loot and spawn system if perhaps done in a "different approach". Different approach: I am not sure if its been suggested or if it is already planned (because it is still Alpha and the loot system I heard will be redone). But why not have many spawns of different items, and have it easier to acquire by players who are looking for a certain item? We could make loot spawns more consistent to more believable places. M4A1 and M4A1 ammo can be found at the military tents and camps instead of police stations. Double barrels can be found in farm or where ever one can most likely find these guns. This way we can have many different guns and fitting specific ammo and still the loot tables can be controlled in a way that you won't have too many of the same guns floating around. A sense of balance can be implemented, and of course addition of weaponry in moderation so we won't have a call of duty going on or clans of self proclaimed sons of Rambo. However I'm not sure if adding a gun store would be a good idea. TLDR: spawn guns and ammo in consistent areas and vicinity that they will most appropriately appear, so people are able to run around with guns with the right ammo. So lots of guns and calibers can be introduced while having the loot and game-play controlled. Or dedicate specific locations for specific items, perhaps a particular town really likes shotguns?
  7. Coltz

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Actually, I think Pilgrim made a fairly good comparison on the scene that is happening with ammunition calibers. To those who cares about different ammo they care a lot, to those who doesn't, its just a lot of fuss over nothing like shoe sizes ( no one is arguing for different shoe sizes). "Realism" as its used in the forums is just a grey area of how much of this game/simulation people want to relate to real life ( which is different from perspectives). Only productive argument is really where to draw the line of game and simulation(Realistic) so that it won't break immersion, that would make the most sense to implement and accomodate everyones agreements. Yet no one is giving much of a reason for either side, so I think the devs could be right that the work involved to implement extra ammo would not be worth the time. Comparing to spending said time on other more important parts of the game.
  8. Coltz

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    Are you sure they aren't just adding the superspeed and stamina due to not having vehicles implemented yet? Perhaps they will address this after better mobility is offered.
  9. Coltz

    Leaving traps for people :)

    lol the note, how ironic.. However im quite an oddball too as I like to leave stories of unfortunate survivors around whenever I see pen and paper.
  10. Coltz

    What to expect in the next update

    You mean the Natives? People are still getting mixed up since the fur trades?
  11. Coltz

    Military bases have wayy to much loot

    But then how would they test what is the best frequency of rare items to spawn then?
  12. Coltz

    Military bases have wayy to much loot

    I think people assumed its your first gear, since if you played enough you would know enough about the games dynamic that would warrant the loot in high population areas. Or would know you are just lucky enough to loot a supposed high pop area while no ones around to take some of your loot.
  13. Coltz

    Transparent walls

    Thought he said only after they implement the new renderer that they will once again review on the problem again. Doesn't guarantee a fix =/
  14. Actually a Day and night cycle can REALLY add to the game. If zombies are mindless walk dead during day, and vicious flesh tearing sprinting aggresive beasts by night, People will have to arm themselves with weaponry, supplies, and shelter by day and even need to compete with each other for supplies ( leading to banditry / cannibalism / etc ). By night people will need to find shelter or group together quickly before dusk to barricase a house or prepare to defend against ravaging aggressive swarming zombies. Perhaps once in awhile the game could make a reason to head out at night due to unfortified housing, injuries, to make it more dynamic. This is a good way to enhance gameplay in so many levels.
  15. Coltz

    Is there an ETA on ambient sounds ?

    While we are on the topic of sounds. Some of the sounds ingame are just completely inaccurate, to the point that i started to use my crowbar on the walls of houses when people are nearby cause it makes a gun firing sound. Just to scare them away LOL.