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Everything posted by Jhenryis1

  1. Lol funny how fast this post went to hell. :)
  2. We all here in Dayz have died many, many, many times with all the stuff we could ever imagine. But tell me have you ever had that gear a pretty long extended amount of time. Have you kinda felt like you've beat the game? Well the truth is if you were to die you would be pretty dang mad I would imagine. But so would anyone else. Think about it like this..."Don't you remember the good ole times when you were able to experience the joy of find a simple M1911 or maybe even a M16 with 1 Stanag." Listen I know deep down everyone that has died before cannot deny the fun of starting over. Once you've beat a game the only option you have left is to play it again...In less you don't want to but my point is Dayz is meant for you to die so take this opportunity to enjoy the little things in Dayz. And remember this: If die as a starter person...who cares maybe you'll find even better loot on the other side.:cool:
  3. Jhenryis1

    The Bright Side...Of being Dead

    Well I kinda meant that but I got bored I mean sure i could kill all the players I wan't but thats it. Only other thing I could do is find stuff I already have. You don't get enjoyment out of that for the rest of your Dayz life...
  4. Jhenryis1

    New player - Game (Not) IMPOSSIBLE

    ArmA 2 is a simple game...Once you gained the skill that it requires to successfully play it without dieing all the time. I just hope that all the people that bought ArmA 2 because of Dayz get a taste of the many other things that really brought ArmA 2 to the loved game it is today. Not saying Dayz is screwing with the community...It's just not giving many people the incentive to go and try something else. Type in anything in Filter for ArmA 2 and you will find nothing but Dayz.
  5. Jhenryis1

    L85A2 AWS - Legit?

    Umm... A "LOT" of weapons in Dayz are 5.56 besides the AK's and the Sniper rifles. 5.56mm is the most commonly used ammo in the US Army. I've used a 5.56 for some pretty long range stuff. Not like you can see past its effectiveness range limit.
  6. Jhenryis1

    DayZ Stories

    Well there I was loaded up with my good bud Stinger him and I both had DMR's with NVGs, Rangefinders and basically the works. We had tons of ammo stocked in my Ural and we like a a lot of othersthings but we were going "Base Hunting". Well it started out like any other day we found a few camp sites got a SVD camo with 2 mags. Everything was looking pretty dang good for us. About 10 mins later of discussing our game plan if we were to come under enemy fire from the hills way up North. And literally 20 seconds after we stopped talking some player came over the hill with a M249 and started to light up the front of the Ural. We immediately bail from the Front and sprint to the back of the Ural where we could get some cover. About 15 seconds in the Ural explodes from the sustain damage she took :( And my friend was hit and fell down dead right as I sniped the player in the head with a DMR and I saw the blood spurt from his head...Only thing was he wasn't down... About 5 seconds later I heard him tele behind me and I made one last effort to shoot him and as I turned my fate was sealed with 20 5.56 rounds into my chest. But atleast I've got a whole camp site for me to go back to. And I did.
  7. Jhenryis1

    KSVK Sniper Rifle?

    I wonder if they have some sort of Item tracking thing where they can see how it was put in and if so who did?
  8. Jhenryis1

    Life expectancy now 47 minutes? What's up?

    Well before all the DDos's and that nonsense it was like 36 minutes i do believe. But yeah I've lived for about 6 days in till just last night when i got owned by a hacker...
  9. Jhenryis1

    SVD Camo

    Yeah, I have one right now at one of my camps. It's a shame that died earlier and lost my Ghillie outfit...They make a awesome team :)
  10. Jhenryis1

    Punishing Dis-connectors!

    Many different things like this post.
  11. Jhenryis1

    Mother****ing BEARS.

  12. Jhenryis1

    Mother****ing BEARS.

    My god...I have to say this idea would be scary as the zombies themselves...But lets face the facts we can't even get Zombies AI to properly run and function. Imagine a fast, low moving animals like the Wolf zip zagging at you at a 120Kmp/h
  13. Next thing we'll know we will have Hurricanes hitting the coast of Chernarus :P
  14. If i remember correctly I saw on Rockets FB about the event going on today in the UK called Rezzed and he mentioned that people are going to be testing 1.7.2 on Utes then after he posted that he also mentioned something about new zombie behavior. This could be more spotting elements or it could be something big that they haven't told us. Could they fix the zombies. Idk http://www.facebook.com/rocket.hall?ref=ts here is the link if you wanna look at the comments.
  15. Jhenryis1

    Stuck on Loading

    I downloaded the patch and got it to work but now every time i join a server it says that is Loading and it just gets stuck there. Please Help.:huh:
  16. Jhenryis1

    Stuck on Loading

    Its been awhile since I've had this problem. But ever since the new patches to Dayz and along with the Beta patches it has gone away. Sorry for not getting back to any of your posts. Hope your problems were resolved as well.
  17. Why thank you. According to your signature you like to make friends? Which home server do you like play on. *Not to get off topic here*
  18. Jhenryis1

    Role playing

    No way RP would work in Dayz(Actual Role play not surviving)... I mean how are you going to in force it? Most servers have no way of Identify the other person. No one is willing to do that type of thing when you can just say screw it and shoot the other person in the face with out any remorse.
  19. It's really hard to say honestly it being off and on did have its perks. I enjoy not being able to know if someone has an intent on killing me...then again I'd probably shoot them first. But on the other hand if they had a bandit skin...Well I'd still shoot them first. You can't really decide if the Dayz is better off without one or the other. You just gotta play with what you got. No butt's about it. :P
  20. Haha screw that I would go down shooting my last bullet. Even if I do end up dieing maybe I will take one of them with me. :D
  21. Hmm will not be fun when you are walking down the streets of Chernarus and the power is still holding up from some unknown survivor. Eventually you turn the next corner only to meet few blood covered zombies idle waiting for prey and as you begin to choose a different rout the power flickers and shuts off... You are now left blind and at the mercy of the zombies. :D
  22. Jhenryis1

    Fuel Pumps Actually Work

    I meant to be able to fill jerry cans up using a gas pump' date=' but I don't see why one couldn't drive up in a vehicle and just fuel up, thus cutting out the jerry can in that situation. you could also make the fuel pumps have a limit for fuel of maybe 1000 liters. [/quote'] My words exactly.
  23. Well I hope someone doesn't decide to use one on me while I'm being chased down by a horde of flesh eating zombies.