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Sir Laggingalot

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About Sir Laggingalot

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  1. Two of my friends and I were hitting up the apartments in Chernobyl looking for tents/food/water with me sitting in a treeline with my trusty DMR and range finder when I notice two other kids on the hospital roof with just pistols, I decide I want to harass them a bit so I take a shot for fun, breaking one of there legs. His buddy, hits the deck and starts to bandage his friend/give morphine, and I decide I want to give them the false sense of security. Meanwhile my friends are freaking out at the sound of my snipe and are booking it for the trees. I tell them what's going on and they calm down and return to our camp. Meanwhile I'm waiting for the kids to start heading down the ladder, and when the first one does, I let him get down. When his buddy realizes that his friend was "safe" he stands up only to get headshotted from 400m his friend manages to spot me, and starts zigzagging to me, so I drop him as well, take the medical supplies and head home.
  2. Sir Laggingalot

    Zombie spawn

    i have noticed that zombies are spawning in the second, non shower room in the barracks, its 2 zombies that spawn in the corner next to the door, can you fix this possibly?
  3. Sir Laggingalot

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    OMG thanks, my friend and i had a couple of tents pitched near deer stands and there would be around 9 zeds at a time (we saw 15 once).
  4. Sir Laggingalot

    Genders and abilities

    IRL, it is accepted that women perform better than men in ultramarathons, so maybe reverse the women being faster than men in sprinting and, make women be able to sprint for longer.
  5. Sir Laggingalot

    "Gut Zombie"

    I really like this idea, especially with 1.7.1, because I feel like I am aggroing zeds much more than normal now.
  6. Sir Laggingalot

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    How about a human interaction meter, it's a widely accepted fact that people without human contact for some time tend to loose their marbles occasionally, maybe you could start hallucinating and see zeds/survivors if you haven't been around other players for "x" amount of time, this would also limit the number of effective bandits.
  7. Sir Laggingalot

    Debug monitor Ideas

    I can see only one up/down to this, so here they are: Down- you will be unable to know whether you have or haven't successfully killed an enemy player if you got into a firefight with them. Up- More realistic, you now need to walk over to the person you were fighting with to perform a "dead check" to make sure they are not just unconscious.
  8. Could you possibly add a chance of acquiring food such as fruits, veggies, roots from farm land? Also, could it be possible to make fishing a way to acquire meat? You could create a fishing rod as a tool, then you could use the hunting knife to cut raw meat into, let's say, five pieces of bait, then you could use that bait to catch fish. However, there should be a random time that you will have to fish for before catching a fish, anywhere from 30 seconds until 2 minutes. This would help maintain the risk of shooting animals, because people could wander up on you as you are trying to catch a fish.