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About Harri

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm using a 240 as my old PC melted (lol) and it works fine, everything's on low of course but the gameplay is still as fun. Soon I'll get a new one but it'll do for now
  2. Harri

    Reporting bugs?

    The main purpose of the alpha is to assist the development of the game, yes? So how do we report bugs to the developers if we ever come accross a new on after a recent patch? I'm just interested in supporting the development of the game as it has a massive potential. Many thanks
  3. Well I got chased by two zombies, thought the Police station would be a good place to hide, I'd just simply close the door. But to my suprise, the zombies just slid through the wall like there was nothing there and ripped me to pieces. Is this a regular thing or just an odd bug?
  4. Harri

    no such thing as friendly lol

    Met two friendly gamers today, supplied me with food and water and even gave me ammo! It was my first friendly encounter ever apart from a guy who ran away from me when I was unarmed lol GOOD GUYS DO EXIST