So, right after I bought DayZ from Steam I logged in, only to be crippled and left in the middle of no where by a few roaming jerks, for no reason. I can only crawl. Additionally, they force fed me and gave me water so I won't die for any time soon. So, I decided to just screw it and join another server. So I disconnect, change servers and find myself IN THE SAME server crippled in the middle of no where. OK, so I somehow joined the same server again, no biggy. Cue 10 different server joins all leading me back to the original server: crippled and in the middle of no where. No matter which server I join, it takes me back to the original one! So, I frustratingly decide to crawl to find a city so I can die. After and hour I find the shore and drown. "You are dead" it says. And it says that for 20 minutes (I can't respawn), so I disconnect and rejoin another random, different server. Yep. Takes me back into the same server, ALIVE and crippled, where I thought I died in the ocean. What the hell is going on?? It has been 2 weeks since I got it and all I can do is crawl around in a server I don't want to be on!