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About luxey012

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    Texas, USA
  1. Hi, I just sent in an application today. I look forward to the response. Thanks
  2. luxey012

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age: 16 Name: Will Skype: luxey012 Country: U.S.A Timezone: Central Steam Name: luxey012 Experience: (1-10, see chart): 8 Game Style: (Sniper, scout, infantry, ect): Sniper/Scout, Infantry, Medic, Pilot, Driver, Anything that needs done Question: Do you guys only have Skype, or do you also have TeamSpeak, or something like that?
  3. i'm interested. Message "luxey012" on Steam. i'm the one with the TF2 sniper troll pic
  4. Age: 18 (My mic distorts my voice, so I don't sound 18) steam name: luxey012 how long have you played: Since you spawned in with a makarov pistol Timezone: US Central equipment you currently have: assault riffle, makarov, binoculors, Coyote pack
  5. Quite interested. Sent an e-mail yesterday.
  6. luxey012

    Cherno Medical Tent Murder Scene

    If you'd payed attention to the first line, you wouldn't have wasted your time posting this.
  7. I was making my way through Cherno, on a low population server, towards the Hospital/Medical tents. I got there and began looting. At the time, I had a Czech pack, and I was lucky enough to find a Coyote Backpack in one of the tents. So, after switching packs, and having my Czech one randomly de-spawning afterwards (thanks DayZ alpha), I decided to leave, as I had been in Cherno for about 10 minuets. As I turned the corner of the tent, I was amazed to see 3 player bodies outside. I quickly checked my surroundings for other players/zombies, and after seeing no one, I checked the bodies. There were 2 males and 1 female. All 3 appeared to be new spawns, with starter gear, except for the fact that one of the guys had an AKM assault rifle. I took the AKM and quickly hid the bodies. As I was leaving Cherno, along the railroad tracks towards Electro, I came under sniper fire from somewhere. I hid in the long barn that is on the outskirts on Cherno, and logged out to write this. I have played DayZ since you spawned with a pistol, and I have never seen 3 players dead in one area before. The only thing I can conclude from this is that the guy with the AKM may have killed the other 2. Either way, I don't care. I have their sh*t, and I'm moving on to go kill some players. :ph34r: :bandit:
  8. luxey012

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    In Game Name: Luxey012 Location: Texas, USA Experience (Days/months): A couple of months (Since you spawned fresh with a Makarov) Age: 16 When Available: Weekdays/Weekends Time Available: Afternoons around 5:00Pm Time Zone: Central Weapon preference: Anything Any additional information: I'm trustworthy, a team player, and I can perform any role. Also, I'm a capable pilot.
  9. What is your age? 16 How long have you been playing DayZ? Long enough to know what I'm doing. Don't ask for a specific length, because I haven't been keeping track. Where do you live? Texas, USA What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Sniper/Medic/anything else What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? I have good leading skills,I have some "Good" (I'll tell them if I get recruited) weapons already, plus I'm not a "trigger happy nut". I use precision and stealth, and I KOS any confirmed hostiles. Anyone else, I give them a chance first. Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B) 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Depends on the base: A, I pull back to a defensible cover and open fire, hopefully causing them to pull back, or killing/wounding them. B, I retreat from the area, flank around, and hit them from behind. C, I split from my partner and we hit them from two sides. D, I retreat and save the gear we have. (This will only be a RARE case. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? First action is to find where the shooter(s) are/is. Failing that, i would attend to my men as best I could. If I couldn't get to them, then I'd leave them and finish the objective. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond If he has a weapon (sniper rifle, assault rifle, any Military grade gun) shoot him and take his gear. If he has a "low class" weapon(Enfield, Winchester, Makarov) then force him to give over his weapon(s), then heal him. If he has no weapon(an obvious new spawn) then I'd heal him and send him on his way. The first two answers relate to avoiding healing someone and having them shoot you in the back. Personally, my rule is shoot anyone with a gun, but I don't always do this, especially to people who are on my team, or are new spawns.
  10. luxey012

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    1. Age: 16 2.Name<what you want to be called>: Luxey 3.Nationality: American 4. Experience <how long on the game?>: Unknown, but enough to know what I'm doing ​5. What role are you applying for: Sniper/Assault/Medic/Gear Hauler/Pilot I'm also going to add you on Skype: Name is luxey012
  11. IRL Information Name: Will Age: 16 Location: Texas, USA Timezone: Central Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I meet all the requirements, except for dying. I have a general avoidance to death, so not dying is much preferred, unless it's to save an innocent. Also, I have a mic, but it has minor static issues. Game Information IGN: luxey012 Steam ID (if applicable): luxey012 Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I can do almost any role. I'm a good soldier, a good medic, a semi-decent sniper, and an acceptable driver. Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): My main interest was that I'm looking for a group to join. Besides that, what really interested me was that you all seem to be more out to encourage "Team-oriented play" in DayZ, while most other groups are in it for themselves. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I am an agreeable person, and am open to working with others. I am decent at zombie avoidance, but my strengths are in squad-based actions and sniper overwatch.
  12. I've been playing DayZ for a while now, and let's just say that I've had my fair share of luck. All that luck came from my EX group. They quit on me, so now I'm looking for a new group. If you're interested, send me a PM here. It would be prefered that you speak English, have a mic, don't have another group, and aren't a bandit. Also, you can't be opposed to "Kill on Sight" orders, since that's how I've avoided death so much.
  13. luxey012

    -=SAG=- recuiting

    If you need more people, I'm open.
  14. luxey012

    Looking for a friendly group.

    If you want to team up, I'm more than avaliable. I have an M16, and some other stuff. Add luxey012 on Steam, if you're interested.