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About MyGamertagBro

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    On the Coast

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  1. MyGamertagBro

    Problem while browsing servers! Please HELP!

    I've a fairly new Netgear router, I've tried getting on Experimental but no servers load for me when I try joining.
  2. MyGamertagBro

    DayZ Standalone makes my internet connection struggle

    I'm having the same problem, every time I'm in the server browser my internet completely dies out on me. Sometimes I'm lucky to get into a server, then there are times that I try to join and get "Connecting Failed". If I refresh the server browser every server disappears and I'm left to restart my game to get the servers back. When I quit the game my internet is completely down for 3-5 minutes, I even try loading things on my phone to see if it's a computer issue, but it takes forever to load anything up on my phone (iPhone 5, never have any issues with programs that require internet loading slowly). It's honestly as if the Server Browser is a way of DDoS for a few minutes...
  3. MyGamertagBro

    Problem while browsing servers! Please HELP!

    BUMP.. This issue is still OCCURRING, please help!!
  4. MyGamertagBro

    Problem while browsing servers! Please HELP!

    I really don't think my CPU could be causing the problem with my internet, it even lags when I check Twitter/YouTube on my phone (never happens when I don't have DayZ open)
  5. MyGamertagBro

    Problem while browsing servers! Please HELP!

    Can someone PLEASE!!!! HELP ME FIX THIS
  6. When I'm in the server browser, I've noticed that it completely lags my internet. I try loading Google/Other websites that I never have problems opening and they take forever to open. After I closed the game, re-opened my browser and went to a website it loaded flawlessly. I'm also having problems when I go to change servers when I play a lot of servers show up. However, when I cancel to the main menu to change my character/settings, I go back to the server browser and nothing shows up for me. I then have to restart my game just to have the servers show up for me again.