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Everything posted by icderion

  1. icderion

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    I have been in areas where there is no light. But the stars and the moon. Its lited up for me. The people who says its pitch black. Most likely had a flashlight and turn it off. You have to let your nite vision kick in. It takes a while. The night is too dark. If there is clouds its a different story but no clouds it show be little bit lighter cause of the starts and the moon
  2. icderion

    What is this?

    Debug plains?
  3. icderion

    some servers not what they seem/question?

    Why was you kick?
  4. icderion

    Binoculars need to be implemented

    Hit number pad 0
  5. icderion

    DayZ Bandit Birthday Surprise (0.44 second VIDEO)

    Lol edit:stupid kindle