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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus


    It is absolutely imperative to re-implement da Trumpet. Best weapon in the game, hands down. ps. don't change its sound effects. These were purrfect.
  2. nemorus

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    We need trumpet.
  3. nemorus

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    Reason you want? For me it just makes sense. That's it. Its a step in a new direction which most games are afraid to take. At this point game will lose nothing by adding it, outside of magic. People won't go away - some will cry, like in case of every other change, but numbers are not lying - dayz is getting more popular, not less.
  4. nemorus

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    No reason you say? Why? Official description of the game is: "DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, players follow a single goal: Survive by any mean necessary" so tell us - is it suppose to be hard or not?
  5. nemorus

    What's Y'all's Ideal Gun Load Out?

    Amphibia is too loud. People use it to "quickly" deal with infected and alert any players in like 100m vicinity towards them. VSS has some horrible eastern optics, hence val with its rail is better, especially on modded. Both of these require kinda rare AP bullets though, because normal ones are a bad joke.
  6. nemorus

    What's Y'all's Ideal Gun Load Out?

    Sporter with a full banana mag, sniper scope and bottle silencer. With that i can topple any goon squad out there - they'll never know what hit'em.
  7. nemorus


    Careful... For they might hear ya and reinstall trumpet into the game. It was like sporter but better and very, very quiet :).
  8. nemorus

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    What's that? And how exactly that would stop said freshies from carrying weapons in their hands? They could put their rifles on the ground in order to eat or drink - its.. normal behavior. Let's be honest - the sling takes magic away; no more rifles attached to ones skin. And its nothing new. First mods with these happened more than 7 years ago. Its more than just tested after all this time. Its a no-brainer.
  9. nemorus

    next wipe

    Dayz programming is one reason and there's of course the other: official servers quality. These places are barely working and must be purged from time to time.
  10. nemorus

    DayZ Forum often down.

    ddos... Losers from russia want BI to do their bidding and that's their form of asking.
  11. nemorus

    i m bann

    If its vac - talk with steam. If its BE - talk with battleye. If its dev - talk with BI's devs through their support platform https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/
  12. youre spazzing about connection problems? and how exactly being ddosed by some thieves a fault of BI? Its one thing thats not BIs fault. https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/hackers-have-been-executing-ddos-attack-on-arma-reforger-and-dayz/z178aa You're one of those guys who wants service going by any means, completely disregarding the root of the problem. Go and tell the thieves to stop. Rage at them.
  13. nemorus

    Y'all Want Bikes in the Game?

    You don't steal a bike to ride it but to sell it on craigslist or facebook. And that's exactly what happened in South Zagoria. Some dudes like stalker's Sidorovich make fortunes by selling looted property to the russians.
  14. nemorus

    Y'all Want Bikes in the Game?

    Read some more lore; Infected arent zombies. This aint Rocket's alpha anymore. Besides - all bikes were stolen long time ago.
  15. nemorus


    Have a nice stay :).
  16. nemorus

    VAC for nothing

    Talk to vac people - steam.
  17. nemorus

    Car crashed

    Its a miracle these things even work you know? Dayz is using multiengines - vehicle are representing one and terrain the other. Slight miscommunication and car is wrecked, along with people in it if drived - because they don't need to be in use to be dangerous.
  18. nemorus


    What progress? There is none of that. Vac ban is served by steam and only steam can reverse it. Battleye ban can only be reversed by Battleye. And there's also so-called "dev ban" which is served by game developers, its the rarest of all and only devs can take that down. Three types of bans. If you're certain you havent breached any rules, no cheating was going on and the one who applied ban is non-responsive then you can do only two things: 1) demand from the entity who assigned ban to prove their claims and sue them immediately if they fail to present evidence. Because its stealing access you've paid for for no reason. Restitution will have to be paid as well. 2) buy another copy of a game (be + dev) / start a new steam account and buy another copy of game (vac). But this one is just making eventual victim pay twice. I don't know how many people were banned by mistake over the years. What i know is that there really were people blocked just like that. These people should fight with the slander and defamation.
  19. nemorus

    Banned for playing the game please help

    Talk with Battleye.
  20. If its true then there's always a chance that your account was stolen and used by cheaters. A lot of banned game copies were not bought but nicked. Check your data, replace passwords with clean os, make sure you have steam guard going on. And about the ban? If its vac then talk with steam support. If its battleye then with battleye support. If its dev ban then you need to talk with Bohemia's people. All of those will require some proving. If you're absolutely certain its not your fault then fight for it.
  21. nemorus

    How To Fix the Pity Party of Dayz

    The same as usual - people would cry a river :).
  22. i can go on and on with these. Over the years that one suggestion is like a boomerang and for a good reason. Writing notes is so simple. Its the only way to communicate with others in a damaged world without risking getting shot. This feature is just needed. It's almost 2025 - enough is enough with saying its not possible. There's nothing thats impossible. I suggest to add a way to write and place notes ingame.
  23. nemorus

    Simple tweak to fix combination locks!

    Its cumbersome prolly to make scripting (cheating) insufficient.
  24. nemorus

    Vac banned

    VAC can only be resolved by steam support and let me tell you - it ain't gonna happen. They're not reversing their hammer, not when it hit on the spot.
  25. nemorus

    How To Fix the Pity Party of Dayz

    Spawns all across the map? Seen it years ago. Interesting but for new players its a disaster. My first spawn on a server with such setup was in a vicinity of Troitskoe MB (currently Kamensk MB). No more than 3 minutes later wolves and a bear came to greet me. RNG without much sense considering that starting gear was like... nothing. People need proper environment to learn, otherwise it will just demotivate them. Everyone should at the very least have similar chance. And that's it. Starting from 0, from beginning. Otherwise it won't be fair one way or the other. No tiers? Nothing new. Its still a grind and murdering each other because the other person "could have something". I was running once with a crew based on that way of thinking. Its another disaster for other people. Don't want to discourage OP, but it seems i will. Sorry.