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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    No...? It doesn't feel like it. The file settings are the same as the experimental ones. I'm gonna wait for this new ssd to arrive and reinstall the whole thing - and i mean whole. There won't any secondary discs, everything will run from one big one. And hopefully it wil magically fix itself. If not, then i guess i'll leave it to developers. It might be some update that i was cursed with. Black magic or something!
  2. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    It seems the problem lies in the files steam is downloading by default. Or at least if i remove dta/product.bin file, the game will try to load properly And then crash. Replacing this thing isn't making things any better and i cannot simply open it with random text editor. Still it is progress.
  3. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    One last effort failed as well so i was forced to send a ticket into feedback system. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141302 Experimental "DayZ" is working like a charm. Stable version isn't working at all. I don't know anymore, the game is dead :).
  4. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Sure, but what's the point since i've reinstalled the OS? And i did format the drive before that. Either way everything is fresh. I have eliminated every inch of old data before needed drivers, installing steam, downloading "DayZ", c++ redistributables and the "battleye". It should work and it's not. I have bought a new drive - just to be on the safe side, but it should work on the old ones nevertheless. I mean everything else is working without a hitch. Kind of "DayZiness" i guess :>.
  5. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Thanks! :).
  6. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    I've tried both drives in that matter and the results were the same - which is none. Already checked all that other topics as well. I've done my homework before asking here. Right now i'm installing experimental version of "DayZ". Just for the hell of it :p. Who knows? Maybe testing version is more stable.
  7. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Two ssd's - ocz vertex 2 and ocz vertex 3 - each has around ~60GB of space. None of them are overloaded. And it was running without any memory issues since 2014. The last version known to me is "1.03.151658". As far as i know the game just died on me and none of my components are at fault. Or at least i haven't found any mishaps.
  8. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Ok, i give up. I have no ideas left, except for changing entire computer parts - which is not needed. Even formatting and reinstalling OS didn't work. From what i've gathered It's not file-based problem, unless steam is dowloading compromised files each time (i have reinstalled the game at least four times, on different drives). The only thing that've changed is the crash information. The footprint numbers are slightly different (2172214055 > 2172213769). I don't belive this game needs more than 16gb of hard memory and i have at least 14gb unused each time. What can i do?
  9. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Oh i know the drill - including reverse keybinding. I've removed MyDocuments folder multiple times and came up with zilch. I've also extensively analyzed memory, which took a few hours. In the end "DayZ" won't launch and i have an ultimate way to deal with this - which is to remove everything and reinstall the whole OS. But it's annoying, since it means that i've failed to fix simple error. It has to be some detail, maybe just one file hidden somewhere. And i can't deal with that ;).
  10. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Nope, ain't working. I've got nothing going on in the "Roaming" folder that's linked to "DayZ" - things are stashed in "Local". But it doesn't matter much, since the game won't launch even after being reinstalled from scratch. There must be something that've i missed - either hidden files, memory failure or a setting in the registry. I'm gonna mess around with RAM a bit and see if that takes me somewhere. Cheers!
  11. It looks that the last update changed nothing. So many sold copies and so little effort... Come on devs; do something - this isn't a simple game anymore, not with that much money around.
  12. That is, if you have evidence, and even more. Alpha isn't very solid ground to begin with. Trainer users (most of them doesn't know a thing about cracking) are nothing more than temporary obstacle - sure! they're not going to disappear entirely, but mostly. Personally, i don't belive that developers will just leave this problem untouched. No, if this game is aiming for the top, then it must deal severly with security problems. Banning is most popular method - and it has enough power, but only, when it's used correctly. It can't just block ip, not today.
  13. Don't forget, that there is law (mostly local) in the way. What you want is justice, but "justice" has many different faces - and outcomes. Banning is simple, safe and subtle. For authorities that is.
  14. Yeah, that is new one. I've also seen that on youtube, so it's definitely there. ~80h and 1 "hacker" spotted. He tried to sneak upon me in milltary base near Kabanino - propably hiding in the wall. They're not hackers. Thats too big word for common cheaters with trainer-like programs.
  15. - well, it's literally "walking corpse", and corpses are dead - basically. In "DayZ" we need to pound some weight, right into 'their' heads. So we're talking about few brain functions at least. Theoretically we're dealing with animated corpse. Very energetic one, but still dumb pile of rotten meat.
  16. Well.. zombies are dead, and so their behaviour should also look that way. But some of them are faster than the player... Then there's problem with walls, which simply doesn't exist for them. Lastly their detecting ability. Gonna find you almost any time, ignoring even prone position and static objects. Pitch-black night? works.. for some of them, others simply attack. Zombies are nuisance; glitched, bugged nuisance. No challenge, no fear - just a nuisance.
  17. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168635-whats-the-current-hacking-status-like-in-dayzsa/page-41#entry1961295 - it's not enough, when this topic grows every single day. Some basic security changes need to be done right away, so situation won't get out of hand. All other matters may wait. I mean - many players will read such posts, and think badly about whole project. Thinking badly is bad for business.
  18. nemorus

    Im so done with this game.

    Ease up, TheLoneSurvivor. As long as "DayZ" is in alpha/beta state, there might be that kind of wall. Some kind of reputation system or even some penalties could purge banditism or at least block it. Game has potential, so don't just quit now. ps. it's not "Survival"; in some cases it's just getting nuts.
  19. It will be worth, when those popular 'hacks' begone and when "DayZ" gains some kind of purpose. Today, you're building up a character (i mean equipment, mostly), and right after that, there is nothing else to do. Now, let's say you're all alone there - no one to share thrill of adventure with... What's the point then?