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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus

    Server "Authentication Timeout"

    Pretty standard cold shoulder on their behalf. Its to the point that even topics started by staff and used for discussion with devs are left in dust. It just feels like "DayZ" is too old even for its creators. Other than that... Authentication error started to be a bigger problem few years ago. First people discovered that turning off background programs could fix it - be it discord or nvidia. Then it was about resetting stuff. Then some global steam malfunction happened and some wise guys were spreading rumors that its only because of said event. Now its back to resetting and chucking fault at service providers (server owners). One can turn off game, then launcher and finally reset steam. That will allow for logging back in. Hopefully. Fact is its nothing on users end. Its something between steam, game and battleye. These three subjects should fix it. And probably it won't happen. I mean this issue is well documented, reported multiple times and left to rot along angry players.
  2. nemorus

    help me please

    Did you checked possible fixes?
  3. nemorus

    Don't Use BattlEye

    People are angry because cheats are not countered well enough. I understand that BIs paying other companies for protection - BE or Valve are not providing charity services, am i right? And yet day after day - for who knows how long already - people are reporting same problem... Security software is not catching cheaters when its supposed to. Its usually too late. To the point that people lost their hopes and treat these security services with contempt. It's hard to blame them. We all have heard about new ai which can effectively deal with cheating issue. Because it can quickly learn and adapt. And what's BI saying about it? Nothing. There's absolutely no communication, no announcements, not a word. Total ignorance. Cheating market is getting bigger and more stable because its countered with outdated technology. Game's not only losing face but also money. Why paying for services which are not sufficient? Why indeed...
  4. nemorus

    Don't Use BattlEye

    I heard that BI uses outdated BEs software - which is weird. Its probably some kind of deal with a lot of money to lose, but losing image may not be worth it.
  5. i can go on and on with these. Over the years that one suggestion is like a boomerang and for a good reason. Writing notes is so simple. Its the only way to communicate with others in a damaged world without risking getting shot. This feature is just needed. It's almost 2025 - enough is enough with saying its not possible. There's nothing thats impossible. I suggest to add a way to write and place notes ingame.
  6. nemorus


    There are foxes though... So now its fairly obvious how chickens disappeared - being trapped between two predators.
  7. nemorus

    💡​​​​​​​DayZ myths

    Lets make this topic more alive with next question. Some people are certain that base-building feature "ruins loot economy"; That keeping certain items locked up stops their respawning cycle. This would mean that there are unique/limited items on a map. Is this true?
  8. nemorus

    Bandages at spawn

    Bandages are luxury in a world that is long abandoned. And yet even infected can leave pristine and sterile meds behind... Yeah, it would be nice to think about it.
  9. Most people would abhor the very idea of making certain 'standard' actions longer than 'necessary'. They call it artificial prolonging of gameplay. I can totally accept your suggestion because its sensible but not on vanilla. Its good for hardcore servers only. People look for fast and furious plays and don't want to waste their time on timers, especially since a lot of people are bind by clock. Blade degrading pool is kinda enough for casual setting.
  10. nemorus

    Unfixable Desync?

    If isp is of low quality or if there's some kind of malfunction of it it will be a constant problem. I had similar annoyance to solve few years back. Changed internet type, all wiring, techs confirmed it - and its fine since then.
  11. nemorus

    Got banned by Game Developers

    Create a ticket on BIs feedback platform ( https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ ) - it will be way more efficient than waiting here.
  12. nemorus

    Revert the Nerf

    Whats the most funny is that similar topics were present since day one. People were always demanding something - me included - and how that turned out for the game? Look at steam charts - game is getting more popular XD. Demands are ok. But not necessarily on point.
  13. great arguments dude...
  14. nemorus

    What are yall getting paid for?

    Or what? You gonna assault me with yer KA74, user? Time to wake up and stop being a salty kid on a video game discussion board.
  15. nemorus

    What are yall getting paid for?

    You need a handkerchief or something? People lunged at service and some problems happened - its normal. People are not perfect, code isn't, machines... Are you? And that modder drama? Google it. You can find what's this all about. Its not a secret or anything so don't force people into doing what you can.
  16. nemorus

    so is sakhal any good?

    Its like with online exam results: servers usually are down because of a mob of impatient users. People never ever anticipate problems when it comes to sudden traffic spike in internet services. They just want them to work "because". You paid for dlc? So what? Youll still wait in a queue because like usual you won't choose second or third server with a few people on them but first one, which is already full. What i mean is: BE PATIENT AND THINK. Paying won't change simple facts about life.
  17. nemorus

    BIOS Error (0x0005000F) & (0x00050009)

    Since its so new there might be some problems. Give devs some time to figure things out. Every premiere have its share of problems. If its persisting then write official ticket on feedback platform: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ and don't forget to write down all the details you can.
  18. These servers are cheap. "Unstable connection" jazz happens all too often. And cheaters are not only on high pop unfortunately. I'm very harsh about those servers, because experiences were mutual. Also i've seen too many reports already on different forums. Its too constant.
  19. nemorus

    Banned for what ?

    if its vac = steam problem, so talk with steam people.
  20. nemorus

    The Rats Den Vanilla+++

    I did. Fast and substantively without beating around the bush. Was it dry? It was. Was it meant to harm anyone's feelings? No, for that is pointless. Bumping on internet forums is not the same as bumping on facebook, for example. Multiposting in such manner is basically flooding and this place here has a lot of problems with that lately.
  21. nemorus

    The Rats Den Vanilla+++

    Bump some more and your advert - which is spam now - will be bumped into a hole.
  22. Reinstalling game's a waste of time - won't fix that. If its steam - you can only wait. If its discord/other program - you can disable them before switching game on and enable only after logging in. If its router - experiment with its settings, especially with MTU. I'd start with router, with your internet connection. Also check BIs feedback platform (https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ ) - maybe someone figured something new since ive last searched that.
  23. So called authentication bug. Some say its steams fault, some that discords/other soft and some that routers settings (MTU). Its a long story, multiple fixes and pretty much happen to everybody. Started few years ago and was never truly resolved.
  24. nemorus

    Bans Appeal (Ban applied by the Game Developer)

    Officially devs are not giving bans - but only officially. If you're certain its this type of a ban then use their feedback platform: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/
  25. nemorus

    Bans Appeal (Ban applied by the Game Developer)

    vac ban = steam related, talk with steam people.