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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus

    Christmas Content!

    This is "DayZ", not "Rust".
  2. nemorus

    Roofzombies? It's a feature!

  3. nemorus


    And i think that You should do something about your punctuation. Even internet bot can "write" better than you...
  4. nemorus

    Disinfecting water bottles/canteens...

    what about the situation when one of the users is sick? Cross contamination, no?
  5. nemorus

    How do I turn off Rain?

    Because the game knows better and it simulates actual weather conditions or at least it tries. I would suggest to not touch that layer of the program. Ever. On our old server rain disappeared without a trace when it was not even modified in any means. Admin was pulling hair from his head while trying to get it work again - to no avail.
  6. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    If them indicators work when you're driving then YES, they have done something with vehicles.
  7. nemorus

    I don't understand the food change

    it's more of a "problem solver" for white icons conundrum. Many people think that simply getting white means = full stomach and running for hours. Which is wrong. White usually meant like 5k energy gained when real full was like 20k. White icons were veeeeery deep.
  8. nemorus

    Stable Update 1.15

    no map/no indicators/no zombies/no loot/no trader/no players
  9. nemorus

    BAN on STEAM

  10. nemorus

    What better way to hide a vehicle?

    no point in hiding vehicle unless it's very very very important (building purposes for example). People stash those things, use it rarely - especially on hardcore servers - and the other players cannot use them at all because there are none left.
  11. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    What's truly tragic is that the products are getting more expensive each year when their quality is constantly going downhill. In my line of business i would never be able to sell a faulty product. Costumers would just turn it back immediately. But video games are different... People tend to pardon them simply 'because'. No good reason - just 'because'. And it doesn't matter that money is still a money.
  12. nemorus

    Debate on hit markers

    What's there to debate? The update clearly shows that this game is getting scraps and not real attention it deserves after all this time. It's stalling - not making progress.
  13. nemorus


    And what about scenario when you get yourself knocked out and a player comes by? I was exactly wearing that pair of shoes once - dude came for an easy kill.
  14. A Waste of Time. Sorry but it's a joke - not an update. Nothing for basebuilding. Nothing to stop cheaters from using explosives across the map. Nothing to fix already existing vehicles and Nothing to keep people playing. If if wasn't for mods, this game would be dead. ps. oh! And nothing to fix light effects... Right now lights are visible through walls and flicker when zoomed...
  15. Exactly - don't waste Your time on public servers, for Bohemia Interactive doesn't give a damn about security of their products. There are reported loopholes in "DayZ" that were not fixed for months. And people are suffering because of that today.
  16. As title say it's about jumping. First: our avatar have a problem with moving on edges - let it be rocks, tree roots or buildings. It likes to "jump" by itself. Injuries happens all the time because of that. It's not falling - it's like a character jump deliberately or is a victim of invisible hand (being shoved). Second: our avatar simply can't control jump height. We cannot jump over small obstacles without taking certain distance into account. There is climbing function currently to make it a bit easier but climbing isn't jumping. Regards.
  17. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    "(...)There's nothing miraculous about getting out of a ditch for a sedan like the Olga.(...)" - i dare You to try right now. I want to see it as a fellow driver. And these guys are doing that nonsense because it's possible. If the physics were real in this game, the vehicle would be staying in that ditch.
  18. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    This particular vid ain't valid. Most cars IRL would be stuck there as well. Some players think that cars should be gliding on every type of terrain and fast. Just look at that server - markers everywhere, tons of equipment on every player and they want this old volga to do miracles...
  19. nemorus

    Did building get worse again?

    Don't build on vanilla man - its a waste of your time. Find yourself some nice modded server with build anywhere mod.
  20. It is how the game was designed. Guns everywhere, poor building system, static environment and pretty much nothing else. There is no meaning in surviving without hope or clear target; Surviving for the hell of it is pointless... Majority will always KOS because it's the thing that gives them 'that' adrenaline boost. Recently a lot of servers turned into "Organic RP" kind of bullshit to look better. Let's take "Frostbite" server as an example. Most people will kill there on sight - it doesn't matter if they're from official factions, if they're streaming or RPying. Most of them are bloodthirsty bandits or just douchebags. Sure there are people to talk to but it's a drop in a ocean that already turned sour. And even if this contact finally happens it's always the same: "you need something? take it and good luck". People are playing in their small groups - they don't need anything else. And so this game is boring to play without companions.
  21. Famous film producer once said: "it's better to produce 10 bad movies rather than risking with a single great one". Dayz is available on all platforms because it can sell better that way.
  22. nemorus

    1.14 already ruined

    Must? Who told you that it "must"? Where is it?
  23. nemorus

    1.14 already ruined

    Why buying it on anything other than pc? It's a mistake - and an obvious one. It is a PC game - period.
  24. Not to mention that buying such a game on xbox is simply a mistake. It will never have same options as pc version.
  25. nemorus

    1.14 already ruined

    The only thing that is ruined in 1.14 (that i've found that is) are helicrashes. In the past a helicrash was a prize for those with patience or luck. Right now it's "come to me! i'm here! And also camp around me...".