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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus

    Lar sucks now?

    LAR always sucked. Much like VSS. For some odd reason certain guns from vanilla are very very poorly optimized. And we're talking about FAL - a legendary rifle.
  2. nemorus

    Dayz needs a stun gun, let’s talk about it

    Every tool nowdays is like a stun gun - you hit/shoot and they're uncon. There is a taser mod so if it's a private server there is an option to install just that.
  3. nemorus

    Looking for a HARD server

    It's still standing - this topic that is. Last time we tried "Frostbite" but it's completely unbalanced and we've lost hope for it to change anytime soon. We're looking for a place to stay. Twelve of us. - An active server. - With ping that's not killing the game (european region would be the best). - With tons of balanced npcs. You see an infected old graybeard, so it's an infected old graybeard - not a M.A.R.K. 13 in disguise. - Without pathetic and ugly "winter" mod that makes a joke out of winter season. - With reduced loot. So finding stuff feels good and not just 'meh, already found like 10 in the last 15 minutes...'. - With rules that don't discourage to build big, for we like to build big. - With BuildAnywhere mod for it's a must. - With CodeLocks, for its also a must. CodeLocks operated through batteries/power are also good. - With unraidable walls. For that opens a WHOLE new world of possibilities. - Without forced RP for that is a blight. - Without trader mod. And without ATMs. Money is worthless in a fallen society. - Without DBO_Surfaces so riding anywhere like 100km/h isn't a thing. - With auto_run for it's convenient, way beyond macros. - With custom locations/edits that are NOT over the edge. Putting concrete everywhere is stupid. Installing ATCs everywhere is even more stupid. - Without party mod for that's a cheat. - With no vehicle crashing damage (topic/250992-the-awesome-vehicle-thread/). - With item precise placement mod - the most needed small mod in vanilla. - With Ear plugs for pete's sake. And other things that make sense.
  4. nemorus

    Looking for a HARD server

    A bit different topic. I'm hoping that this category will work. Me and my friends are looking for a truly hard server. A place where weapons are luxury and high tier ones spawn only near custom helicrashes or at irradiated death zones. Not vanilla garbage, where you could find decent rifle in an hour or less. A place where zombies are not only an annoyance but something worth keeping in mind. A lot more zombies and overhauled at that (old lady dies after one swing of an axe, millitary zombie needs at least a few and so on). A place where you can build and get anything you want based on common sense. A place where loot is scarce, tools are rare and food usually needs to be hunted and prepared first. A place without imposed "roleplay", where you are supposed to be someone you're not. And finally a place with decent community, without narcissistic admins that "don't care about players because they don't". We have checked a lot of places. Most are limited by "RP" or with a deadweight called "expansion" onboard. I have eight friends with me so small servers won't work. Regards.
  5. nemorus


    There was a time when deleting dayz folder from documents was a thing - so why not? Make a copy of it, delete the original and try then.
  6. nemorus

    Rework sickness and Zombie awareness!

    You're soo 'gud' that game's shortcomings ain't eating ya - expert cultivator no doubt.
  7. nemorus

    Game Crashing

    Nice :). Good luck out there!
  8. nemorus

    Game Crashing

    Well, you have a lot better equipment than mine so it must work. If the basic "clean local data" (documents&appdata) and updating gpu drivers ain't working then what about logs? Game gives you any kind of those?
  9. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Just because they can and they know that nothing will happen either way. No standards. I've seen a video from the "ARMA 2" posted here and that was just... a sad experience. So many years have passed and the game regressed in many areas. You would think that newer equals better, but is it?
  10. nemorus

    Game Crashing

    Had similar issue many months ago - game was updated then (from version 1.03) and there was no way to start it. Only experimental version worked. People were giving me tips like: update your bios, update your graphic drivers, update your OS, buy a new OS, reinstall everything, delete local data, verify mods, verify files - all for nothing. Simply because back then Bohemia changed something on their side and my GPU was not good enough. Only after replacing it with newer model this "DayZ" came back from the dead. So who knows? Maybe it's something like that? I have 16gb of ram and additional 4 on my gpu. Give some more data - what kind of setup do you have? Is it vanilla launcher or something else?
  11. nemorus

    Rework sickness and Zombie awareness!

    It is an option - an option only to use materials that are unsafe. It is also an option to fight with environment without basic tools prepared. People die on vanilla because of their own decisions.
  12. nemorus

    Rework sickness and Zombie awareness!

    But really... Afflicting disease from wounds is an option only. Player decides himself/herself to apply unsanitized materials or to not apply anything at all. It's not game's fault... I would rather talk about salmonella because there is something weird going on with it. Can contract it from other person without exchanging food or water. Maybe through utensils - but there is no way to sanitize them because that option was removed a few patches ago for no reason. Why?
  13. nemorus

    Survival Game? or... ?

    ZInMas, you're still here? You were talking about leaving before though... Because of "provocative" people if i correctly remember. "(...)I always end bored of carrying plenty of loot that I dont even need.(...)" means that YOU yourself are getting all that stuff that you don't need. It is you and your decisions... And yes, let's not talk about the modded servers, for you really think that all of them are the same or at least it seems that way... Quite ignorant. Quite indeed.
  14. nemorus

    Elder Scrolls DayZ?!

    Bethesda and Bohemia are very much alike...
  15. nemorus

    How far up/down does the gas extend?

    it depends on a server - these numbers can be altered
  16. You have failed to appreciate the survival aspect of "Dayz" - hence the need for quick and efficient tools. This game is not about luxuries but scraps.
  17. nemorus

    Zombies ruin PVP

    zombies, players, cheaters, cars, equipment, weather and sometimes even landscape and lack of hiding spots - everything in this game RUIN people's lives.
  18. nemorus

    Is Battleye just crap?

    Battleye isn't "crap". It's a money maker - and a kind of a parasite. Creates problem and live on top of it.
  19. nemorus

    Bugz, problems and suggestions

    - Blocking mechanic is kind of overpowered right now. So we can block an entire wave of infected when their attack is coming in ~straight line? The only limit is basically stamina. I think that this does not make much sense. Attacker cannot hurt or knock out its target. But what about bleeding? About possibility of fractures? These things should happen - the more enemies the bigger the chance. Also, right now there is a pattern. Common infected always attack twice and creates a window for counterattack right after that. So it's always: block two fast attacks and counterattack. - Infected cannot hurt each other - even by mistake. I have a movie where bunch of infected caught aggro on different group of infected. They were all pummeling each other for no damage at all. Attacker never connected with their target. It's too weird. Mistakes happen even among NPCs but cannot be used against them simply because everything is rigged only for one scenario: only players can be hurt. - There is a problem with running on stairs/railings. Avatar can temporarly suspend itself in the air or glide on walls - all that while waving its hands like when it falls from greater heights. It usually ends with a loss of health. - Shooting gallery on wheels have its own ambient - which is simply too much. Too loud for example. - For some odd reason the player can punch forever - even without any stamina left. At the very least he/she should be a bit slower when that happens. - Silent killing animation is not working as intened if ping is an issue or if NPC detection value is set slightly higher. Animation itself isn't accurate at all. - Cannot lock up wolves or bears for these NPCs will teleport outside of their confinement as soon as player leave vicinity. And since aggro does not disappear in this case it ends with a certain backstab. - Bulletproof leaves/hedges/branches/greenery are still a thing. Some of the them can even stop .308 bullets... - When building watchtower one must mind that there are gaps beneath every wall. On levels two and three these gaps can be dangerous because it's easy to be seen and shot through. Also, there should an option to build walls next to the stairs. It's just a common sense to have them there. - The map is plagued with trees suspended in a thin air or close to that state. As a gardner i'm finding that very peculiar. - Police car event have a problem with cleaning itself. I've seen over the years on many different servers same scenario: police car spawns, then despawns but the items from it are still there. - Very glitchy-like bug affects edges and leaning. Right angle next to building's corners, walls or windows can remove every object in sight except from ground textures and actors. - Problem with "scanning" vanilla buildings when logging to the game. It's usually happening for players with hard disks drives and older CPUs. Basically it's a cheat which helps in detecting players and loot in their bases. - When server resets and players are logging in they can see that some of the doors in vicinity are opening by themselves. It's nothing alarming. Problem is that people can also occasionally see doors opening by themselves while they're playing. It's happening even when jogging around. - Combilocks can click by themselves when players are getting close to them. Combilocks can also click by themselves from inventory after being removed from gates. - Gates/Barbwire can also make noises when someone is getting close to them. - Loaded SKS have a problem with its model - there's a bullet hanging in a air. Also its quickloader disappeared from the game for no reason, years ago. - [suggestion] To do something about exchanging items. Right now we have this very crude method of dropping items on a floor. From food, through medicine to anything else. It feels cheap. The only different way is through force. - [suggestion] A very good and small mod gives an option for precise item arranging in the world. Can finally put that can on a table without the need of stepping on it.
  20. nemorus

    Base building update for official please 🙏

    But why building on official?... Dude, leave that thing behind; Modded servers (rather pc version) are the future of this game. You can build whatever and wherever you like!... Not to mention that there is no hope in fighting off cheaters on official platforms - only private ones bring that option to the table. I also would love to see some update to vanilla basebuilding but let's be realistic. Modders can do it a lot faster. If they didn't do it already that is.
  21. nemorus

    Decrease desire to KOS constantly?

    If you feel it's "annoying" then what's there to say? Nothing really. Feel free to play as you want - but please, leave "ethics" and other turgid ideas for yourself. The game is set - full sandbox. We have enough limits in it as it is.
  22. nemorus

    Christmas Content!

    Bugged feature with no sense at all.
  23. nemorus

    Decrease desire to KOS constantly?

    Learn to accept reality. That's all i'm saying.
  24. nemorus

    Decrease desire to KOS constantly?

    Ridiculous suggestions. Putting everyone in the same shoes through and through. And in the name of "RP" - completely artificial nonsense. When you kill once it doesn't matter anymore - things are different then. You can lament all you want - world don't care either way. You can cry as well... World does not promised anything. In reality life comes from death and this game use that rule as well. You die and start over - again and again. Until you learn how to survive in a world bigger than you.
  25. nemorus

    Christmas Content!

    This is "DayZ", not "Rust".