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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus

    2022 Road map.... devs?

    C'mon. These guys will not tell you anything. It's the usual case of "i'm at the steering wheel, i'm the driver, so shut up and enjoy the ride". They don't waste their precious time talking with some wannabes like us.
  2. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    - there, so little content yet so many mistakes. And people ask what about spam on board or even bugz...
  3. nemorus

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Cars are still dancing - doesn't matter which server it is - even on "Frostbite", AZAZEL. Just look at the cars that spawned without any wheels - each reset they change position. And what about reducing gears to neutral before turning off engine? If you don't, the car will dance each reset, doesn't matter if the wheels are attached to it or not. And snowmobiles (modded)? Mine teleported onto the roof of a structure because it standed too close to the wall when reset happened. The game is a swiss cheese and needs some work. After all this time it DESERVES that much - out of respect for the time already invested.
  4. nemorus

    Bugz, problems and suggestions

    - Opening/closing doors animations are absolute. When that happens it doesn't matter whats in the way - every standing npc in the range will be moved by force. In case of cars it will be even more severe problem - it's easy to ruin perfectly good vehicle simply because doors MUST open/close at all costs. - CementWorks_MillB doors have no sound files at all. And these doors are massive... - Barn_Brick2 spawns items in it's floor, making it impossible to pick them up. - Barn_Brick2's attic lacks collision and is unusable because of that. - Shed_Closed attic has too big collision field. Basically invisible wall in space between archs. - There is still an issue with bodies clipping through walls or teleporting between levels when dying. Especially npcs can be elevated when dying near any wall/obstacle. - Hitting npc/player generates blood cloud effect. During the night (especially on darker setting) mentioned effect is so bright that it looks like sparks. Can be seen from mile away. - Construction kits should be transfered exactly where builder is standing after construction is initiated (logs installed). That way mentioned kits won't be gliching inside walls/obstacles like they usually do. - There are times when eating food gives nothing. Player must relog to fix that problem with displaying data. - Waterproof items should be waterproof, especially military grade clothing.
  5. nemorus

    White walling

    No. It can be done anywhere, especially 1st person.
  6. nemorus

    White walling

    it's something that wasn't fixed since the very beginning.
  7. nemorus

    Restore previous energy usage

    I concur. This change (from 20k calories to 5k) is completely nonsensical. Playing on any server with altered temperature means that you must eat & drink constantly because energy drainage is crazy. Step forward and two steps back = exactly how this update works. At least 10k would be worth something, but 5k? Crazy...
  8. nemorus

    Underground bunkers/laboratories

    Or lay prone beneath the Pavlovo military concrete fence and the game will glady send you downstairs.
  9. nemorus

    Zombies cutting you every other hit.

    Couldn't use one because i was chased by two zeds and there was about 10 more in vicinity. No to mention two armed players no more than 200 meters away from my initial spot. I have retreated to the nearest house only to be blocked off by another infected, which spawned right at the entrance and did not fall after tanking few quick hits from me.
  10. nemorus

    Zombies cutting you every other hit.

    😉 died a few days back because of one scratch from random zed. Was wearing top of the line equipment which had zero impact on combat protection. 50% blood gone in a few minutes from one cut. BTW. Wearing no shoes can also produce bleeding but the loss is so much lesser... To the point that some people ignore it.
  11. nemorus

    Please underground base building in official

    All i see is a little trickery, not actual forming underground by your own ideas and efforts - which "7DtD" allows. I was creating better cells ten years ago in GECK for "New Vegas". There it was the same problem: program couldn't take anything more but workarounds.
  12. nemorus

    Please underground base building in official

    And usually by tricks. Game was not designed as a true open world environment. It has one major layer of activity - outdoors. Even buildings don't have their interior vibes. Overall "Dayz" vanilla has 3 caves - from which two were mistakes/missclicks and the last one a carefully prepared hole in a wall.
  13. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    Probably the latter - i mean the hype for dayz is long gone. The only thing that keeps the game on top is the lack of real competition.
  14. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    Personally i didn't even know what WOBO was until you mentioned it :). Wiki is wiki i'd say.
  15. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    Not all of them are sticking with it - wikia is a prime example and that was my point. I'm not saying that this game is dying - it's withering though.
  16. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    Doesn't really matter how many updates and changes there are - and frankly it wasn't that big of a change altogether. So many titles have their own wikias, all maintained by fans. It would rather mean that "DayZ" is not going in the right direction since people are abandoning it.
  17. nemorus

    Out of memory Error Dayz

    I concur. Had the same problem months ago. In my case it was GPU but yours is good. Buy more RAM. 8 gigabytes is not gonna work nowdays. Current standard is 16gb and its slowly being pushed by 32gb option.
  18. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    Will use wikia as an example since it's poorly updated - some of its contents are quite old: dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Cholera "(...)Prevention (...) Sanitizing Plastic Bottles and Canteens with Disinfectant Spray or Alcoholic Tincture before consuming. Remember that infected players sharing after consuming from these containers can spread infection!(...)" I don't even know what is there to say really. Sanitizing tools & containers is a NORMAL thing to do - especially when experiencing wild world of dayz. And people are "take drugs - you will feel better". Yeah, eat those antibiotics/charcoal like candies... For it's precisely what's going on in some cases.
  19. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    It stands. I've done my homework. Tested it multiple times and it was salmonella without a doubt. Hands were clean, no blood was involved, with or without pristine gloves of different fashions. No food was involved as well. It was just a salmonella that either jumped from other player without any direct interaction or through containers/tools. I've asked people who experienced that scenario as well. They did not make casual mistakes and they have recored the whole thing. Either there's a bug involved or something is missing.
  20. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    Give me a proof to your statement. For now all i know is what i've seen. Containers were emptied, trust me - i've checked everything before i posted here.
  21. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    There is a possibility to catch salmonella other than by "(...)eating uncooked meat, uncooked fat, earthworms, any rotten food item or by drinking or eating with bloody hands.(...)" in the game. Contracting disease from seemingly nowhere - which i've also experienced. Water containers are my best bet since replacing them in my case worked like a charm. There was an option in the past to sanitize containers/tools. It was disabled for some reason and i don't know why. The most basic thing about preventing salmonellosis: hygiene. And they turned that off!
  22. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    i mean cleaning empty containers with alcohol/spray/whatnot That was disabled.
  23. nemorus

    Sickness balance?

    It seems that way - but there is a big difference. It's the time. Typical player spends at best a few hours in-game during the week and so the program tries to put all of its features in that small window. To make experience richer. Like a kid who tries to cook for the first time and put in all of the ingredients & seasonings right away. It's quite unedible for anyone with working taste but it is what it is. Also, time in the game is usually accelerated quite a bit. And since it's making circles faster, features are also faster to experience. Other than obvious mistakes from the top - like contracting salmonella from seemingly nowhere (containers chlorinating was disabled by the studio...) - the key lies in a server settings.
  24. nemorus

    New engine

    Money is the one thing - the other is fame. "DayZ" is known as a never ending alpha/beta. So what if it's already 1.15? This game has still not resolved issues from years ago. It takes forever to get a decent update. It has a bad name because of all that. It's very hard to change peoples minds when they're set on something. They need a new title then - to cover all that blemish. Or so they might think... In my opinion it's a good game that lacks care and features - but that won't change anything.
  25. nemorus

    Lar sucks now?

    hmmm... people are obliged to have their opinion after playing enough i guess. Personally, when i have a choice LAR is going back on the rack. It is a GREAT weapon... In "Jagged Alliance 2", but not in "DayZ" :).