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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus

    Persistent rain

    Long time ago our servers admin changed weather and there was no rain at all. It also couldn't be fixed by manipulating settings. Years later i heard from different admin that its not enough to change settings - one needs also to remove some files so the game can generate and use new ones, with current values. I don't remember which files though. I'd say cache of some sort. Maybe event files - but that will also reset events of all sorts.
  2. nemorus

    DayZ Update 1.24 & DayZ in 2024

    The game does not need new map per se but rather different seasons implemented. Not biomes but full fledged seasons. Summer outside equals summer ingame, for example. It does not need more weaponry as well; When one update puts one weapon, one mod adds dozens or more. Mods should be used for that - to create additional content that is purely optional. South Zagoria is nothing more than a backwater region of Chernarus. It needs more survival features, crafting and reinforced stealth mechanics. Stealth itself is a joke with all that arcade-like grunting, noises etc. Still no option to open doors slowly and without alerting others. And of course building, barricading... One of the few annoying things about the world in game is that it's static. Every little house looks the same. One cannot rearrange what's in them. Cannot move table or a knocked off chair out of the way. Cannot fully take the place for yourself. And there are those ridiculous security bars that were used years ago to lock doors in almost every building. Apartments for example - lost a lot of space because of that. BTW. What happened with item spawns inside apartments? Why vanilla has them deactivated? Why keeping these buildings then? No loot, partially locked away, barricading with vanilla gates looks bad - why bother? And all this might be impossible with this mess of an engine "DayZ" is using. Or should i say two engines. Hybrid it is.
  3. nemorus

    1.24 Experimental Release

    What about PU scope reticle? Still smugded/darkened? 1.21 version changed said scope for night purposes and it's quite annoying for the eyes since then. Please look into it.
  4. [00040031] WaitAuthPlayerLoginState - it started taking its toll on community about 2 days ago. More people with that problem each day. It just started happening, which probably means some very small update that nobody from the top bothered to tell people about. Shuffling files does nothing. Reinstalling does nothing. Playing with drivers is useless, its not ISP fault and certainly not mods. It's not Putins white noise as well...
  5. Sincere tip: drop Micro$oft altogether. It's absolutely pointless to wait for anything decent from them nowadays; They want terminal-like system where the user is only a client and never administrator. Check linux family instead. Some branches of popular versions are great alternatives for people who don't want to learn everything from scratch. You'll get completely customizable and open-coded OS without backdoors, telemetry, "shop"-like frameworks, false hardware limitations etc. With proton/wine you can play whatever you want, "DayZ" included. It uses custom launchers though ("DZGUI" for example) so its not a straightforward thing to log in - at least at the very beginning, but you'll get used to that. Linux is a reasonable way out since biggest players on the market are more and more annoying with their politics.
  6. nemorus

    "Out of memory" problem

    Hello there, I'm writing because "DayZ" (SA) died on me and i don't know what else i could do to fix that. During gameplay (modded server) the game just froze along with my ssd. After i've fixed what was wrong with the drive, i was left with the most resilient bug i've ever faced. The game just won't start. Doesn't matter if i reinstall it, where or with what. Erasing temporary data ain't working, validating ain't working, changing drives ain't working, launchers ain't working, parameters ain't working, cleaning computer ain't working, scanning memory/drives ain't working, vram settings ain't working, changing sockets/cables ain't working - nothing's working. The only thing i haven't touched is the registry itself. ProcesorIntel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz / (RAM)16,0 GB / GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / At lof of free space The game was ok for years - i've burned over thousand hours through it and now i must retire, because it don't want to see me online again... Please help and Best regards ;).
  7. nemorus

    Put survival first

    Care to add anything to this topic or is it just this trolling of yours? You're slowly getting worse than this DayZWarrior1932 from experimental thread...
  8. nemorus

    Put survival first

    Heh, i got the picture. And honestly i'm tired of your "~can't be done just because".
  9. Let's see, its a "general discussion" category. Any questions?
  10. nemorus

    Put survival first

    Once again - prove its "impossible". Prove that we will "never get that with AI". Your examples are off the chart, really. Let's say infected comes to you and tells you he wanna be yer fwend. With bloodshot eyes and blood on its hands he asks you. Would you be kind enough to accept that deal? You forgot that we're talking about hostile elements from the get-go... Potential of enemies, of PVE. Currently they can only chase for certain distance and then they disappear without a trace like Houdini. Every door or any kind of climbable objects are beyond their programming. Don't tell its impossible to change that. The other way to make npcs a serious menace is to make them relentless. AI can do anything but most titles are afraid of that. Why is it that in so many tactical games enemies constantly sell their positions and next move by yelling? Because poor players would die and feel bad. Most games are designed for ego. Save the world, kill a bear - feel better. But that doesn't mean npcs can only be dumb. Let's take "Alien: Isolation" as an example. So many guides how to win this game without taking any damage. Made by people who died tons of times to learn patterns or by those who studied the code. How clever of them. Our Infected are very different. They don't need much programming. All they need is the same chance as players to interact with environment. Its stupid how map is handicapped for players.
  11. nemorus

    Put survival first

    For me its all logical - evolved behaviors. It's true that there are people who only enjoy manhunt type of action but the growing number of pve and strictly rp servers are a sign that some users look for more. OP here asked for a way to force teamwork in this game so i provided him with an option. Common enemy - but not just any enemy. If its too dumb and limited it simply can't play that role. I'm not saying enemy must be a human replica because what's the difference then? Infected are basically humans driven by endless rage towards life. Let them kill everything, let them have same limits as normal people minus using special tools (so no firearms for them). I think that harsh environment can help with interactions in at least some cases. The best dayz i was playing was in a team and working together towards something. But thats me. Can't say for everyone.
  12. nemorus

    Put survival first

    Oh i see. When you ask people for something its ok, but if someone ask you for details you say they are "raving" at ya? Ok i will ask you again... You say that Prove your statement. You say that "Human player behaviour is unpredictable". And yet people are dying in the game because their behaviour can be predicted by others. Prove its otherwise. We're talking about improving PVE since that element could force people into some degree of teamwork and not just killing each other for loot. Its the 'common enemy unites' situation. Why infected can't cooperate? Why they can't properly utilize their surroundings? They're not zombies - lore is clear about that. Since there is intelligence there should also be more options for them. Right now they can't even bash open doors or climb on. Player can climb on top of a car or hesco box and kill hundreds of infected because these guys will just stay beneath and look angry.
  13. nemorus


    You could drive underwater in the past but those silly developers removed that feature.
  14. nemorus

    Put survival first

    Maybe because there was no reason to. Not to mention that most npcs in video games nowdays are moronic so majority of players can handle them and bolster their ego in the process. In my case it was one of those ultra hardcore servers where finding stuff was ridiculously serious time investment. Was packed that day after a raid. In the middle of nowhere a pack of feral dogs came at me from two different directions. There was no shooting them because i knew that there were other armed players close by - melee was the only viable option. It took roughly 90% of life and well over 50% of blood to win that. Two whole bandages, two transfusions and one salt while being attacked. Last two doggies faked their escape only to backstab minute later. I was patching mine avatar from multiple lacerations and should died there when last dog missed while doing quick charge. Typical sink or swim situation.
  15. nemorus

    help me

    Try on their official support channel - https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ Other than that there are tricks found here and there - like the one with reinstalling game on different drive. And remember that ssd is the best choice. (reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/upc6u3/have_to_delete_dayz_folder_in_my_documents_every/ - source)
  16. nemorus

    Put survival first

    Of course you can prove it? I would like you to try with modern science. People always say that their nature of doing things is unpredictable and therefore simulation is not possible. Arrogance. And yet so many "impossible" things already happened in known history. How many avatars died because their behavior was predicted? Since it can be predicted its not that difficult to recreate. Waiting game, circling around, rushing, stalking - all of that can be programmed. But there must be a connection to the world first. Npcs lack of information gathering capabilities and overall knowledge about environment they're working with. They're just dumped there on a map. Learning will allow them to choose the 'right' pattern according to situation. Currently infected behave like moving turrets and nothing else - typical cheap scenario. Wolves are a bit different though. There is a shadow of teamwork there.
  17. nemorus

    Put survival first

    That's not true. NPCs can also be programmed like that. I've seen it once on custom private server.
  18. nemorus

    Put survival first

    People kill each other even on harshests community servers. Unless rules bans killing, people will do it. Game started as a meat grinder and that tendency was never changed in vanilla. People were taught that its about ripping each other apart for adrenaline and items; It's a certain way of playing and i'd say very real. Without artificial rules people will devour themselves because no such rules means law of the jungle. History proved that already. Other than that - yes, i would also like to see better PVE experience. Game needs to be polished and npcs need to be more deadly. For example: currently when people meet with wolves, they think "oh! dinner time!" because wolves are just that in "DayZ" - portable meat repository. Wolves almost always howl when they stalk their prey and their attacks are too weak.
  19. Because Russians took the game of life and death too far. Besides that, since a lot of cheating software came from them it just serves them right.
  20. nemorus

    Codeine Tablet Benefits

    It allows player to move faster when health is low. It also allows to jump and vault when wounded. It does not do anything to shock damage so no running around with broken legs and stuff like that. Morphine works similar but it works faster and tamper with shock damage. People usually use that injector to escape with broken legs.
  21. nemorus

    How to Ruin Tent In Wall?

    https://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/6-M7_Frag_Grenade m67.
  22. nemorus

    How to Ruin Tent In Wall?

    Splosions are flattening tents (unpacked/packed) quite fast*. Unpacked car tent seems to have a problem with bullet collision so that may be a problem. *vanilla one takes a few 67's.
  23. nemorus

    Game settings problem

    Properly? Change your settings in-game, alt+tab from it, enable 'read only' setting on the file/s (documents/dayz/dayz.cfg for example) and then information should stay intact since they're being resetted when the game is launched. Other than that a trick to try: make copies of "C:\Users\username\Documents\DayZ", delete files from "DayZ" folder and let the game create new ones (by starting your game). If that don't work then it seems that the game is taking data from different source.
  24. nemorus

    Game settings problem

    'read only' setting on certain config files?