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Everything posted by nemorus

  1. nemorus


    There is a mod where mental health is added - the more death around, infected, monsters the more one goes insane. Cigs were used there as a quick remedy; You're being surrounded by 20 demons from hell, some as big as house, they're breaking your last door and you're smoking to keep your shit together. Its that kind of a mod :).
  2. nemorus

    Black screen then quits

    There is a method to test - it might work. Since experimental version is ok.. then use its files. Follow instructions from this post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/1/4632610823217436409/#c4632611455209864787 .
  3. nemorus

    Thermal Vision Eyepiece

    Thats the last thing that game needs - legal esp. I remember dayz mod and how people were always using thermovision - alongside as50...
  4. nemorus

    Don't Use BattlEye

    Sure. Its possible to catch a fish with broken net - its just less efficient that way, yet still possible. Once again: people are saying that "DayZ" is using outdated version of Battleye. Why?
  5. nemorus

    please more PVE

    This would need special measures to disable pvp - a lot of work when BI is known for cutting corners in schedule dept. Current model needs people to enforce pve rules and official branch does not have any admins. Rather than wait for that one i suggest you to search in unofficial branch. Plenty of pve servers in vanilla style.
  6. nemorus


    Its a you problem, really. Don't expect anything from devs, honestly; their servers are only there for appearances and testing - nothing more. Play on community side. Find a server with its own discord, active administration and you'll be golden. Also its waaay quicker to find people to play with through mentioned discords. On official you cannot even report players - 2025 already and no such basic feature. No reporting, no admins and outdated anti-cheat. They can say all they want that its because people buy cheats but always lagging behind is not making their image any better.
  7. nemorus

    Appeal to Ban

    This aint ban. Check this topic for potential fix: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159696#2215536 .
  8. nemorus

    💡​​​​​​​DayZ myths

    Another question dumped into space... About notes that were once in a game. There is a myth that their disappearance during alpha stage is linked with peoples toxicity. Its not about engine's limitations - modders already proved that. So tell us, devs. Tells us why we can kill each other with rifles, axes and stone knives, but can't write a simple letter. This is one of the few features that is dearly missed by many, many people. Care to elaborate?
  9. nemorus


    Hit steam's discussion board for that - its way more popular so bigger chances for proper answer. All i can is give you this link for modding: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Main_Page It's BIs public info repository. This address here is only good for making suggestions - other than that the place is slowly fading away.
  10. What are you all even talking about? Remember that this game uses random metal wire as hinges. As hinges! When at the same time one can craft wooden box with some planks and nails and real hinges and lock appears out of thin air. I don't believe that BI is able to do anything with base-building feature. It hasn't changed since it was published. Its not in their schedule for some reason. Modders did everything by themselves already, and for free. You can build animated structures, furniture - everything.
  11. nemorus


    It takes more - you need to go and buy it, buy a lighter as well, fuel for it - use money which means working. Way more than 4 minutes, way more :).
  12. nemorus

    crash error

    It has many, many problems for people to solve. But thats normal, considering amount of potential configurations. It doesn't help that game also gets shadow updates (small patches without any prior announcements or changelogs, which could tamper with every part of the game, including its requirements).
  13. nemorus

    crash error

    when crashing click ~"show details and prepare report", get the files and paste them into ticket here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ Ive read a few topics on that and like usual there isnt one good answer. Usually its something with gpu/its drivers.
  14. nemorus

    0xC0000374 - STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION Can Not play Dayz

    Check this topic: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T180142#2587204 and try different launcher if it won't work.
  15. nemorus


    you can upload it as non public video on youtube and share link here.
  16. nemorus

    Raid system

    Over the years raiding-feature changed many times but one thing stayed the same. Base building. Patched here and there but overall its the same thing that was presented in version 1.0, 2018. Six years of no progress. This needs to be addressed first.
  17. nemorus

    big bug that breaks the game

    and then they can just enable hdr function on their monitors and turn night into day - especially on Sakhal.
  18. nemorus

    Cheater sakhal official server

    No admins on official branch - you're on your own there. Besides, you would need more proof. What if there was someone logged there before your base happened? Small chance - but ive seen even weirder coincidences in my time. Other than that - yeah, cheating's possible. Seen a couple examples myself on Sakhal, both were attacking people in ridiculous ways on community servers and both were offed. So do just that: move to community, enter their discords and there you can report potential cheaters asap and get some revenge.
  19. nemorus

    What are your thoughts on Sakhal?

    For me its a slightly steeper, unpolished* pvp map with no reasoning** behind it. Its not original, needs patching, lacks lore... I'm thinking that only console players can truly appreciate Frostline. PC owners can choose dozens of totally free maps of similar or greater quality on a whim. * - winter-wise / ** - survival-wise
  20. nemorus

    Performing actions more slowly should be silent/quiet

    Less arcadey game is something badly needed but BI already proved that they're not interested in that. Whats more they've recently tried to patch any silent actions with new obnoxious sound effects. Stealth in this game is more skill-oriented and based on finding unpatched content rather than pure gameplay, unfortunately.
  21. nemorus

    What's missing on Sahal!

    This map lacks the most important thing, which is reason. Its a very cold island that tries to kill us on every step - why are we even there? Why people are showing there? Getting glow plug to fully open the smallest bunker known to the gaming is not good enough. Why risking life to be there, Bohemia? Why? Sakhals alternative - Namalsk and its Lantia quest is way longer gameplay wise. Deer Isle is another example of map designed to keep players interest as long as possible. One needs to literally venture to every part of it to get certain information & things and finally get to the unique and very powerful loot. We call that quests. Sakhal currently is a land, a sandbox filled with sand. And no reason to play with it other than passing curiosity. And of course lets remember that theres also a difference of availability - mods ive mentioned are free of charge and still better than this premium content. Reason, Bohemia - Reason.
  22. nemorus

    Getting frustrated to cheaters in Official

    The only sensible thing you should do is move toward community. You can't just cross that branch out just because there are servers of poor quality mixed within. Remember that official branch takes no more than 2% of the market. Its that small. There are poor servers and great ones - look for whatever interests you and you might discover that there's no point returning to official. And now the why of things... There is no point waiting for BIs answer. Over 10 years people were waiting. Lets not waste time.
  23. Npcs are blind when literally touching player whos standing still in a bush - even if its a single shrub in the middle of a field. I suggest to remove that archaic feature (it was present in dayz mod...)
  24. nemorus

    Playable zombies

    It was. A possibility to play as a zombie in dayz mod. It was of course very limited.
  25. nemorus

    Day Zero

    No killing for starting items, bandages, no way of hoarding them... Nice suggestion.