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About LortFengerN

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. LortFengerN

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    Exactly my thoughts i simply just find hide body cheap and i dont ask for a complete removal, its just that i would love a mechanic to physically hide, rather than destroy
  2. LortFengerN

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    I personally was thinking of a drag system aswell, i read something earlier about them having a lift body system, but it was too complicated, so they scrapped it.
  3. Hello, i was wondering what the general public thinks about the hide body option you have on slain people ? Me and my friend died in a gunfight against a team of several people, and one of them survived. I respawned close by and ran immediately to where we died. And when i found the dead bodies, none of them were lootable, so we basicly lost everything, and had to start from scratch, instead of being able to salvage some of our lost items. As of this, i dont really feel that it's a good thing that you can deny others reclaiming some of their items, you already have item durability to counter this, and i might think that the hide body option is a bit over the top ?