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rikardgladt (DayZ)

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About rikardgladt (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Zomibes aren't ghosts that is all.

    Plus there zombies...everything about them is broken except the running speed (apparently that is intentional) Im talking PVP i don't disconnect then reconnect to kill or avoid death except recently since im PLAYING with other people who are FRIENDS and we found a VEHICLE for the FIRST TIME i wanted to actually do something different instead of Loot kill loot die loot RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN SO ya sue me for wanting to do something FUN for a change in a GAME. Plus here is a thought people wouldn't have time to disconnect if they were shot point blank or from self defense most disconnects happen when someone is SNIPED from a FAR AWAY DISTANCE...FOR NO REASON Geez, i can tell from all the capital letters that you are upset!
  2. rikardgladt (DayZ)


  3. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    US Basic Ammo Crate spawed - EU 4

    Hmm, i guess ´seeing´ it might just get you banned:)
  4. Found this just north of Stary Sobor. Thought you admins might want to see. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/595848151396928136/9C5195CDAF47FEB1FEECE2D0587681045FA886A0/
  5. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Keep the hatchet out of the toolbelt.

  6. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Keep the hatchet out of the toolbelt.

    As i've understood it a lot of people is unhappy with the hatchet taking up the primary weapons slot, unlike before when it was in the toolbelt. My thoughts were that seeing how the hatchet might atleast be as big as the MP5, it makes more sense for it to take up as much space, than storing it in the slots that holds you compass, map and matches. Being forced to have it in your backpack would also force the player to make more gameplay choices. Wether to devide you're tools amongst your groupmembers, having it take up half of your back when you're alone or go without one completely. To me this adds some reality, even though it might be concidered a minor detail. Also i may be out there, so lets here what you think.
  7. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Radio broadcast towers

  8. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Radio broadcast towers

    Well with this you could add radios to the game (other than the scary numberrecieving one) and there could be a simple "turn on/off" feature to it, what it also could do is make side channel available to the poeple carrying one.
  9. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Start PvP Raids in DayZ! Create HQ

    It's about surviving in a world full of zombies first and foremost. If people just want to ignore the zombies and run around killing each other then they should just go and play regular Arma 2. :-/This isn't supposed to be a PvP deathmatch experience with loot. It's supposed to be a hardcore zombie apocalypse survival simulation. Yes, PvP encounters should come into it, and yes there should be some killing involved as well as some cooperation, but it shouldn't become the focus of the game. I'm happy for you that you've found your inner prophet, but I doubt you speak for everyone. If it is about 'surviving in a world full of zombies', then it's a pretty mindless game, so I contend that no; what you are saying is not true for me and many other players. It might be true for you. The PVP in DayZ is interesting *because* of the real risk, *because* of the scavenging. Because you worked for the stuff you have, and so did the other guys. There's real consequence to killing or being killed, and that's what makes it fun. Not just shooting people. Suggesting that people interested in this kind of sandbox PVP with real consequences should 'go play Arma 2' is not helpful, misses the point completely, and is exactly the kind of shitty behavior discouraged by rocket in this thread. Im pretty sure that what he's talking about is Rockets vision about his mod, as he stated himself, this is his vision and he just takes inspiration from the forums. He also stated that this is a survival simulation (Correct me if im wrong). So according to you we are all playing a pretty mindless game. Me, i love it.
  10. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Hmmm, Legion. Doesn't those guys have a server?
  11. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    I wish that rocket would just post his intents with this mod as an important thread. I've seen him write that "being a bandit doesn't mean you play the mod wrong or bad".
  12. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Petition to add the Mosin Nagant to Day Z

    YES! signed...
  13. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    We need a purpose.

    I like the idea of smaller sidemissions where you get to investigate stuff etc, and i have no idea of wether it'd be hard to make or not but if they were to be implemented, it would be cool if you found them in form of notes and things like that. OP mentioned radiobeacons, maybe missions like that could only be obtained if you have a radio etc.
  14. rikardgladt (DayZ)

    Coop Server
